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  1. B

    trouble germinating in rockwool/roots not growing out of cube

    Hi Guys, So this is something i've been struggling with recently; (have searched and researched alot of similar posts, but nothing the same), i've read and read and read about the process, and recently decided to put it into action, to which every single one germinated, then came straight...
  2. B

    600w ten parabolic soil SOG afghan kush, White Russian and Pineapple Chunk - COMPLETE

    Hey Guys whasGwann (whats going on?), so heres a journal that is since complete, quite succesfully. the specs are as follows; 600w growlux HPS, 1.2x1.2x2 cheap-ass chinese poison-tent, various sized pots, various soil types (cocoa, royal mix, light mix), future harvest 3 part mix, epsom salts...