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  1. jonesy6140

    HUGE philosophical problem with my grow

    My good friend and roommate decided it would be a good idea to offhandedly tell his mom im growing in my closet..........on what planet that is a good idea i have no clue...but his mom says i either have to kill/get rid of the plants or he has to move out.....WTF KIND OF A CHOICE IS THAT? a fat...
  2. jonesy6140

    First Time DWC closet grow, blue widow, help welcomed/wanted!

    Okay so here it is guys i have a 10 gallon tub with 5 blue widow seedlings sitting in net pots, rockwool, and hydroton. for lights (i know i need more, and will be getting more) i have 2 6500k t8 tubes, and three 23w 2700k cfls i had a little problem with overwatering at the beginning with...
  3. jonesy6140

    100 percent germination, blue widow.....question

    i had 100% germination with my 5 blue widow seeds :mrgreen: and it took me a while to get the rockwool cubes and hydroton to transplant them so when they were in the wet paper towel the roots grew fairly long. it was hard to finagle those long roots into the rockwool cubes, and after a day i...
  4. jonesy6140

    germinated, but cant plant seeds

    Hi everyone i was wondering how long a seedling can survive while germinated in a wet papertowel without planting it? my hydro store isn't open on sunday or monday so I cannot get the materials to put them in their final place. and my dang lowes and home depot dont have net cups, hydroton OR...
  5. jonesy6140

    Seeds taken by U.S. customs

    This will be my first of many posts on this forum, i would like to start off by saying that i'm completely bummed my first order EVER of seeds got taken by customs. :sad: Secondly i am mad because i ordered from everyonedoesit and they refuse to return my calls or emails, so i wont be getting a...