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  1. S

    I just wet myself

    Well, not quite, but this really was fucking funny. Sorry if it has been posted, but its worth posting again just incase people havent seen it. Enjoy: YouTube - Stoned Caller on Richard and Judy - You Say We Pay Dubbed :peace:
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    Stoners against Booze?

    Every pot head ive met always bitches about beer / spirits, "its the cause of this and that", but do the majority of stoners really hate booze or are they happy to enjoy both (and my friends are just strange). Personaly, although i understand the negative effects of alcohol, I am quite happy...
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    Dreaming of Amsterdam

    Alright so im at uni and bored shitless. It got me thinking, maybe Amsterdam would be a cool place to go to for easter with a few friends. Flights are pretty cheap. Has anyone else been to Amsterdam. Is it worth it or overrated? James
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    Laughing. What sets you off when your high?

    What sets you off when youve had a couple of joints? For some reason, blackadder gets me laughing :roll: :peace:
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    Ideas for flavour with vaporizer

    Hey, Im getting a vaporizer on Tuesday and i was wondering if anyone had tried putting another herb or fruit in with the weed before vaporizing it, to give it flavour. I might try mint or maybe lemon. Anyone got any other ideas?
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    Adding flavour to skunk?

    Hey, Ive got some skunk sitting around and i dont intend to smoke it for another week. Is it possible to put something in the bag with the weed to give it a slight flavour when smoking it? I was tempted to add something like apple or lemon slices, does that work? Would it take more than a...
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    Volcano the only way to go?

    Hey guys, I want to get a vaporizer, sounds like you get a good clean hit from it and it is economical with the weed too. It sounds like the best one on the market is the volcano, and although i can afford it, its a lot of money and i would rather go with one that is cheaper, even if it doesnt...
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    How is skunk different from weed?

    Hey guys, Was expectiving to get some weed yesterday but turns out its actually skunk. The stuff smells strong enough, but ive never smoked it before. Im told that its decent stuff and contains no unnessary chemicals, but im still worried it will cause effects like being paranoid instead of...
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    Help a newbie out - Basic Q's

    hey guys. I have a few basic newbie questions. 1. How many splifs can I get out of an 8th? 2. I know this is open ended. But at what point would somebody call themselves stonned? 3. What is a good technique for a newbie to roll? 4. Is a bong better than a splif? 5. Are you meant to...
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    New dealer - Check if the stuff is ok?

    Hey guys, Im getting some weed off of a new guy and i was wondering if there was any way to tell if it is safe / respectable. Im just worried that the guy may be a little dodgy, and might either give me crap weed or it might be laced with another drug, which i definatly dont want. James
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    Majuana Alterantives - Can i have your opinions?

    Hey guys, I'm from the UK where Marijuana is illegal. Ive found some websites offering legal alternatives, but I'm not sure if its just a waste of money. I'm not after hardcore party drugs or anything like that, i just want to find something to give me a similar relaxing feeling that i get...
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    Are LEDS the future of indoor growing?

    Im a newbie, but i saw this chart on a website and it seems too good to be true. Is it right, or just a load of old sales crap?
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    Can i speed up the process?

    Hi guys, Im currently at university in England and i am looking to grow some marijuana indoors in the next couple of weeks. I have found out i have around 2-3 months off, tops to grow it, and then i will be back at uni and wont be able to continue the process. However, ive found out it will...