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  1. JestersBud


    So i was just wondering, if you threw some brown sugar into your nutrients would it help the thc develop like crazy? Sugars do help on alot of other plants so i dont know
  2. JestersBud


    So i have a few plants outside. i cut down a tree thing next to them, that was covered in little white aphids. but now they have moved on to a few of my plants. what can i use to rid of them and not make my buds gnarly?
  3. JestersBud

    smells like earth

    so my plant is hanging uppside down in the dark now. only thing is, the buds dont smell all dank anymore, they smell really earthy. anyone know why?
  4. JestersBud

    Never seen a plant look like this

    Its been growin for a good 2 months. But there isnt a single 5 leaf branch anywhere. It keeps growing in sets of 3, 2 or even just single blades. New nodes show up about every quarter inch. Any one know whats up?