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  1. W

    250 or 400 hps?

    I have a 2x2x5 tent. Looking to upgrade to a HPS. I've had heating problems with cfls so I want to go with a cool tube. Dude at the Hydro shop wants me to slap a 600w into the space i don't think that is gona happen. Should I stay on the safe side 250w or go for a 400w? Getting a fan...
  2. W

    Can't figure out.

    Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this plant? I'v looked around and can't quite figure it out. bag seed, indoor, ~75-80 degF, 8 weeks into flower, low pH below 6.8 (bad strips), MG soil with a recent flush to get rid of the rest of the nutes, using cfls three 2300k and one 6500k...
  3. W

    Flush or just wait it out?

    Looks like possible nute burn and leaf curling. Using Moisture guard miracle grow i know flushing might release more ferts. should i just deal with it the best i can or flush (alot)? Thanks in advance.
  4. W

    split and transplant?

    First timer. before I new better i planted two in one pot. they are about 4 weeks of flowering. should I just let them compete, try to transplant them, or chop one which i really don't want to do. Could I cut the soil then separate or just pull gently if I transplant. One more thing. if...
  5. W

    Immature period?

    Hello. I have a question. how long will it take for a plant to mature once it starts to show sex. Im a lil new at this and looking like i have a male or two, but i dont want to jump the gun and pull them. Im not going to be around for a week and a half. but will have some one watching them...