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  1. Il Cuoco

    Do plants like music?

    I was tiding up my ceiling (where i keep my growroom) when found an unused usb stereo whitch must have been there for long. I put some sweet music in a usb stick (like some aphex twin, bethoven, bach, red hot chili peppers, oasis and so on), plugged the stereo and turned it on. I also...
  2. Il Cuoco

    Leaves getting curly and looking stressed

    I have lowriders under 400W hps 20/4 hours light cycle. Temperature is ok, humidity is maybe a bit low but i regularily spray water in the dark hours to make it a little higher. They're one month and a half old, and i gave em the fertilizer two times at 50% dosage... Everithing should...
  3. Il Cuoco

    Please Help me - New Leaves are getting pale green - yellow

    According to the sticky about diagnosing marijuana problems i think it may be an Iron deficiency: Anyway, I'm absolutely not sure about that.:confused: I leave some infos about the setting: Temp always between 75 and 80 degrees I've never added any nutrient as the plants are still 3...
  4. Il Cuoco

    How much does Weed cost where you live?

    First I want to apologize with the modz for having chosen this section: as i haven't found a "General Weed Talk" one i thought the most general and probabily most viewed was "General Marijuana Growing". If i'm wrong then please move this thread to the right category. DISCLAIMER: ALL THE...
  5. Il Cuoco

    First time with HPS... What the heck is happening?

    Hi bros...i wish I was a lil less high while writing this thread is life... anyhow, this morning i woke up and saw somthing that hurt my eyes: my lil children have slightly curled edges...i moved the lamp 10cm higher (about 4''), switching the temp from 33° to 27° (approx 91 to 80...
  6. Il Cuoco

    --- EaSy RydErs ---DIY 400W HPS --- First Time Indoor ---

    Hi you all guys! I'm kinda new both on this forum and in indoor growing, but i've grown regular, outdoor weed in my last two years in the forms of guerrilla gardening... Then this year I moved to a home of my own, and decided to set up a simple DIY growroom. For this first attempt, I...
  7. Il Cuoco

    Auto white weadow VS Blueberry

    Hi guys, Today i've been in the nearest smartshop to buy a 300w HPS setup, and came out of it with a 400w for a little more money. I actually have 5 autoflowering easyriders, just came out of the earth. As the lighted surface is now bigger than I expected, i was thinking to add two or three...
  8. Il Cuoco

    I was once very stoned (JUST ONCE?)...and drew this:

    I started playing with thinner and larger lines, the rest came by itself.
  9. Il Cuoco

    Stoned Drawing

    I started playing with thinner and larger lines, the rest came by itself.
  10. Il Cuoco

    Am I Crazy?

    Hi guys, i'm writing to tell you something really strange I am experiencing... About four months I had m first yeld, grown outdoor on my sunny balcony here in Italy...very good pot and nice results. Anyhow, I was afraid for the winter, as I knew my last yeld wouldn't have last for too...