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  1. SmOke PIFF 311

    First Haze grow, don' t know whats wrong?

    Whats good, this is my first time growing and my 3 plants have been growing for 2 months now..I have them in 5 gallon buckets but never made drainage holes in them which I feel may be contributing to my problems..The area where I have my plants gets direct sunlight all day, which makes it...
  2. SmOke PIFF 311

    First Haze grow

    Yoo I just wanted to post a pic of my plant at 5+ weeks,,ive only fed it some blood meal and of course water as of now,,but it seems that its doing excellent for this short of time? The spot i have em at does receive sunlight all day so that is probably why,,if it continues to grow like this...
  3. SmOke PIFF 311

    Leaves wilting upwards, a little confused

    Yoo, my plants are 25 days old seem to be doing very well from what i can see. I transplanted them a little late (2 days ago) into 5 gal buckets so I have yet to give them any nutrients yet..The new leaves that are 7 pointed, appear to be wilting upwards a little bit..Is this because I have yet...
  4. SmOke PIFF 311

    Transplanting/ final soil question

    Whats good,, I have 4 plants growing in the woods that are now 23 days old and doing excellent. I am going to be transplanting them in a little while and was just curious of two things. I have heard 5 gallon pots are excellent for a final plant but as I am young and don't have a ton of money, i...
  5. SmOke PIFF 311

    Plant ready for nutrients?

    My plant is 16 days old and is finally starting to develop heavy serrated leaves..I have two questions..In the picture, the bottom leaf seems to have one point that is a little damaged, does this look like it is a problem? Also, does it appear that this plant is ready for nutrients? i have heard...
  6. SmOke PIFF 311

    Soil drying out quickly

    I just recently planted 4 Plants in the woods about 2 weeks ago..They seem to be doing very well but my soil has been drying out quickly..I gave the plants water yesterday and the soil is already pretty dry as you can see by the pic..Is there anything I can do about that? And also,does the plant...
  7. SmOke PIFF 311

    First time grower

    Whats good dudes, this is my first time growing and i just wanted to post a couple of pics of my plants to make sure everything looks good..I have 4 growing in a sump out hurr in NY and they are 12 days old. In my opinion everything has been goin excellent but juss wanted to mmake sure.. This is...