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  1. blazin88

    one mother (sativa) dont know what to do help!

    alryt i have a 1' 2'' sativa mother in the yard, and i was woundering could i cut the gurl down into clones and drop them off in my DWC which consists of a rockwool, hydroton pellets, and a drip feeder, that is fed through the net pot, inside the reservoir?? or should i let her grow she is about...
  2. blazin88

    Need help with experiment

    ok say i wanted to start growing in them beer pong cups tht you get from your local store(the cheap plastic red ones), and im starting them in soil, indoors, under 400w HM/hps dual ballast. how many could i have growing at once just under the 400w lamp before it gets be to crowded?? and what...
  3. blazin88

    DWC drip system, help with feeding!

    ive got a 6 plant deep water culture and its fixed on a drip system from the res., and i was wondering weather or not i should keep the system feeding the plants only when the lights are on or if i have to have a certain time to feed or even if i can leave the dripper on through out the grow. if...
  4. blazin88

    Dwc help!! Need good advice...

    Im running a 6 plant DWC system in an 18 gal. res., under a 400w MH for 18/6. if i am 20 days in to veg. and i have changed out the water every week could i leave the nutes in the system for another week and then change it out, or would this be a problem? Also i am feedin the plants consistently...
  5. blazin88

    top feeder w/ deep water culture

    the DWC i own is working great, the only question i have is when i use the top feeding unit could i leave it running or should i have a set schedule in which i should set the feeder at? at the moment i let it feed my veg. plants only when the light is running, and off then this light is. can...
  6. blazin88

    my first dwc (check it out)

    alryt well i put this system together and i think its ok for my first grow. the plants i have are 3 days old and are lookin good. if anyone out there has any tips and tricks to make this grow better please feel free to voice your opinion, it would be greatly appreciated! thanks!:weed:
  7. blazin88

    ppm and ph?, confused need advice!

    alryt im starting DWC and was confused about ph and ppm i know you have to keep the acid levels in check with ph up and down but dose it really make a difference if i dont check the ppm i mean i know it is important and all but could i make it through a harvest without checking this?? and dose...
  8. blazin88

    What do i use to cut net pot holes?!!??

    ok i have got all my equipment ready and im stuck im trying to figure out the the best way to cut holes in my DWC lid for my 3 3/4'' net pots. ive messed up alot of storage containers trying to get this ryt, but i keep messing it up, do to the fact that i keep using a razor blade!do any of you...
  9. blazin88

    help with the grow room

    ok i normally grow dirt but i am starting to see the greater good in goin hydroponic so i went out and got myself a deep water culture system. i am planing a closet grow so i also got myself a PULSAR MINI 400w TWO-WAY for veg and flowering well,( this is where the problem comes in) i also...
  10. blazin88

    Help w/ advanced nutes pleaz???

    ok i have started my first hydroponic grow and im using advanced nutes. micro,grow,and bloom combo i have a closet setup deep water cultivation w/ a 20 gal. res. and a mh and hps adjustable 400w ballast. i dont want to f@$% this up! can anyone out there give any useful advice from one grower to...