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  1. beelzebub

    New to forum and having plant problems!

    Hello everyone, I found this forum a while back but haven't really been checking up. This is my second grow and I'm having some problems. For some reason, my girlies are DYING! ACK! What's happening to my babies!? I just moved them from the baby room to the grow room last sunday (a little over...
  2. beelzebub

    I'm BACK! Although you probably don't remember me...

    Hello everyone, About two years ago I signed up to this forum with full intention on getting my own little world started... sadly funds fell through as well as some of the partners I had. Now.... it's HAPPENED! I have my own little girls growing, I started the day before Halloween and they're...
  3. beelzebub

    New to Growing, and New To Here!

    Hey everyone, new to the forum new to growing. In fact I have *never* grown any of my own... ever! And now, I want to grow my own! I hope to have my own setup soon, starting with one plant then branching off to say 6, maybe 12 after I've got some kind of idea down with number one :)...
  4. beelzebub


    Hey everyone, I'm new ((wave)) and I'm just about to start my own little hydro setup. I'm starting off with one plant because I have no idea what I'm doing and I want to sorta test the waters in a way. I need something stealthy so people can't come wandering and cats can't come eating. The...