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  1. student

    For any of you that enjoy "coffee with cigarettes" and a nice bowl to go along :)

    I started my day With Three Things -A fat bowl of bubba kriptonite -A Cig -And a Cup of Black coffee :leaf: and a movie called coffee and cigarettes :) any one else see this one ? its pretty hilarious very well played...
  2. student

    Final Fantasy X

    i decided about last pay check id start a good collection of ps2 games due to the fact its out of date and what not so now im playing final fantasy X its pretty chill plus im super baked and its an easy play
  3. student

    Second Grow Journal ! 1st Time Outdoor Grower Underneath SouthCali Sky's <3

    So Far I have Two Sprouts and once they get there 3rd set of leafs ill transplant into the rich soil of the mountain side :leaf: For Nutrients ill be giving organic things like coffee grounds, wood ash, egg shells, and of course the infamous mollasses ^^ i also have some Smoke And Grow...
  4. student

    smoked a bunch of Dryed up marijuana leafs

    i smoked a bunch of dryed leafs from my plant , it got me high From the begining iv been growing for almost 2-3 months and 10 days ago i put my plants into flower , the day i switched the timer to flowering i had to go to texas, so i gave it one big water and when i came back it was still...
  5. student

    What is super cropping ?

    What is super cropping ? and how do you do it ?
  6. student

    i have a question about cloning , FIMing , and topping

    i was going to FIM in a week or two posibly but then i was thinking i should top it and then use the top i cut off to make a clone , you cant clone with the leaf branches can you , i mean you can but will it grow up ? or should i fim it and take a clone from the new growth tops ? here are...
  7. student

    3 seedlings i treated and are now trying to recover from abuse

    I got 3 new sprouts from a buddy who is on his first grow, doesnt know fucking shit about gardening or how to grow plants. first mistake he made - growing under two heat lamps second - MG soil , though i dont think that is a bad offense since i my self am using it Third - he gave it some...
  8. student

    I have a question for Auto flower growers

    i chic i knoe fairly well is on her second grow, and the first time she grew she said she left it on 18/6 the whole plants life and it flowered and was fairly good, also said her plants were dwarfs , is it possible to get good quality out of auto flower leaving on 18/6 , or very much bud ?, i...
  9. student

    Halogen Work light grow

    i have a couple of these lights they look like this i was wondering if these would be any good to use for vegging or flowering ? they get pretty hot but ill have a good vent in the area i also have a standard 4 foot florencent garage lamp , this im guessing works for veggin pretty...
  10. student

    Sleep Deprivation = hallucinations

    for thoughs of you whom never tryed it , it makes you crazy. its this almost alone that make most tweekers the stereo type sketch out. sleep deprivation indeed does cause hallucinations , but you have to practice a bunch before you can start staying up only two day and start to see shit...
  11. student

    One Seed, One Disire

    Im Back ! yes indeed i gave up on growing but after buying a shwag sack i found A seed. - the journey began - germinating day 4 : no root showing " giving up hope that the seed was a dud i found the solution." :idea: solution: used alot warmer water. :D day 1 ( the pot is in the...
  12. student

    What is your MUST HAVE list when blazing ? {eyedrops,spray, ipod... ect}

    time start: 9:31PM My MUST HAVE WHILE SMOKING WEED List includes the following. 1.weed 2.Reliable lighter. {bic} :fire: 3.Piece {unless i wana go on a mission } 4. Gum [brand: 5] 5. Hand sanitizer . 6. spray. {axe, tag., oldspice ...ect} 7.EXTRA MONEY . [for the munchies and shit, like...
  13. student

    the munchies gone wroung :D

    :joint: with this up coming holliday i have boughten like 3ounces for my self so i have been smoking ALOT when i get the munchies bad enough i eat everything and get a big bulge for a stomach then i pass out and wake up sober i eat so much that a throw up what i ate the night before :spew...
  14. student

    Photo Realizm

    i wana do some photo realizm for like a bud plant :)
  15. student

    Free Limewire pro ...

    Every one that doesnt have limewire pro is going to love me GO HERE Lime Wire » LimeWire PRO Lookup TYPE IN [email protected] ENJOY !!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. student

    Black People music/idk just help lol....

    ok im high and i just realized rasta isnt just cuting it anymore and hardcore music is way to trippy pink floyd is too familar and then a guy i was smokin with pulls out a lil ipod thing and black people music and electic stuff comes out i was like this is awsome so i need help finding good...
  17. student

    How do you keep Bud Fresh

    how do you keep bud fresh i just had some dank stuff and now its kinda hard and dry
  18. student

    How do you keep Bud Fresh

    ok so i went out and buyed lol some bud then i bag it and put pocket it it got all compressed and dark so then one day later its kinda dry how do you keep bud dank {are there any secrets} i keep it in a jar for now:weed:
  19. student

    Obama bud

    Obama should get an strain named after him :leaf: and if he did what would it be like {some one should make an obama strain}i would buy "yes i inhaled, that was the point"-Obama [the ant- Christ has come :fire:] jk lol
  20. student

    HellsBells, Jefferson weed, Thornapple,Moonflower. Who has taken it ???

    Who has had it i have it all in my town and its an halucinatory drug {ingesting} i was planing in eating like 1-3 seeds who knows anything about the effects who has taken it and exsplain your exsperince :weed: