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  1. Dark Seducer

    Late nanners/no balls will clones do the same?

    I normally don't ask questions on here because I learned how to read at an early age and most every question a person could ever have about growing weed is somewhere in rollitups archives. But I have searched high and low for the answer to this question and have been unable to find an...
  2. Dark Seducer

    Why the Conservatives will NEVER allow any legalized Marijuana, medical or otherwise.

    A New York Medical College team discovered a number of dramatic and striking differences between the drug users and the nonusers. The largest difference by far had to do with religion. Over half of the nonusers (54 percent ) said that they attended religious services. Not one of the users said...
  3. Dark Seducer

    In defense of MG Organic Choice

    I know, MG sucks. Thats what I keep reading on here. But I live in an area where I would have to have all my dirt shipped in if I wanted to use anything other than MG. Scotts seems to have the soil market locked up in this area of the world. So I had my choice use MG Organic Choice, Scotts...