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  1. J

    Rusty Look on Leaf

    My babies are just starting out and they keep getting a rusty patchy look in spots on the leaf. I've flushed with h2o and sprayed down with h2o and they look better for a day or 2 but then the new leaf comes out with the rusty spots. Could this be too high of humidity? I keep it about 85 degrees...
  2. J

    Hairs growing in the middle of shade leaf stem but only at the top

    I got 1 for you all. This is the 2nd time this has happen to me. I have a plant and on the 2 upper shade leaf there are a series of white hairs growing from the middle of the stem. It's between the stake and the actual leaf itself. This plant is about a week from harvest, the budz are small and...
  3. J

    From Bubbleponics to hydrobedponics

    I went from bubbleponics (which you wouldn't believe what I used) to a hydrobed, and the difference between growth and quantities. When I 1st started out I was using 1/2 gal milk jugs and lime rock gravel right off the gravel road I live on. Yes, I rinsed them off, and I grew some fairly good...
  4. J

    Veg clone vs flowering clone

    I've cloned a vegging plant and a flowering plant and I've come to the conclusion that cloning a vegging plant gives a better yield. As far as growing a quicker bud a flowering clone is best. But, you'll only get 1-4" to 8" bud per plant and it takes 4 to 6 clones to equal 1 vegging clone plant...
  5. J

    1 out of 12

    I've bought from 2 seedbanks and I have one bad one and one good one. The first one is this is a excellent choice here, it takes a little time to get them but that's to be expected. I'd say 2 week to 6 weeks is all it takes for delivery. All of the seeds were viable. I've...