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  1. BIGJIM3

    Low Fat treats?

    I am looking for low fat recipes. Wife has a GI issue and cannot tolerate anything with more than 5 gms of total fat per serving. I have never cooked with cannabis but am thinking about doing trying this fall after the harvest. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  2. BIGJIM3

    Hemp pollination

    I just finished my first grow successfully but I have a couple of questions. Can hemp pollinate my outside grow? If so, will the seeds from this grow be less potent? The reason I ask is that the 4 plants I harvested all had many more seeds than I expected. This years harvest kicks ass and I am...
  3. BIGJIM3

    Curing but have to go out of town for 4 days

    I have 4 plants. One was ready before the others and I had to harvest her last thursday. The other 3 I will harvest right before I leave and they can hang while I am gone. I am thinking about leaving the jars open for a day before I leave and hope everything will be ok when I return. Any other...
  4. BIGJIM3

    Curing but have to go out of town for 4 days

    I have 4 plants. 1 was ready before the others and I had to harvest her last thursday. The other 3 I will harvest right before I leave and they can hang while I am gone. I am thinking about leaving the jars open for a day before I leave and hope everything will be ok when I return. Any other...
  5. BIGJIM3

    Harvest and Hash questions

    First time grower and I have harvested my first girl. I have 3 more but this one seemed to be finishing earlier than the rest and seemed to have some bug issues on some of the buds(outside grow). Anyways, I have a couple of questions. 1. Is it ok to start curing the smaller buds before the...
  6. BIGJIM3

    Spotted fever

    Long time user, first time grower. Have 4 girls and three of them have developed spots on the lower leaves. Outside, au-natural. Started flowering about 2-3 weeks ago. I water whenever it rains. No fertilizer. The top looks good but I am worried about the spots. Anyone know what is causing them?