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  1. jonbigbudz


    i have 6 plants i have noticed today on one of the top leafs there are spidermite and a lot of them what is the best way two get rid of them the plants are into 4th week of flower 2moz 5weeks what should i do?????
  2. jonbigbudz

    leaves burning or nurt problems?

    I am new to this site i have 6 cheese plants wich are in flower (4th week) a couple of weeks ago my lights were closer to my plants and i stated to notice loads of leaves were starting to turn yellow and die i put this as the lights being to low and the heat above the plants was very high.. I've...
  3. jonbigbudz

    any ideas

    i have a grow room with six cheese plants in there the room is very big with a in-take and out-take (carbon fillter) I had the plants in some 1 else's house so i could set my room up propa. when i got them home they were already 4-5 weeks in veg i thought cause of the moving around i keep them...
  4. jonbigbudz


    i have started to grow 6 cheese plants these were from cuttings not seeds as i find this the best way.. I have three 600 watt lights with sodium lamps. the first problem i had was the leafs had started to go yellow and burn at the end of the leafs i took this as the lights being to low and now...