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  1. jdubness

    flowering a success so far

    good morning RIU! i just wanted to give an update on my babies in their2nd week of flowering. my only concern is how do i know if i trimmed too many fans? i have attached some pics and to me, they look beautiful. the pistols are starting to cover the leaves and what not. but for some reason it...
  2. jdubness

    flowering stage beginning

    i was jut curious on when i will be able to see the female pistols shoot out from my babies? also i was curious on when i should start seeing buds on them? they have been on 12-12 in 76 degree weather day tiem and 70 at night for about 3 days now. just seeing if i need to start trimming...
  3. jdubness

    About to start the flowering stage.... any input?

    Good morning RIU! i am about to start the flowering stage in the next 2 weeks. From seedling to this, i am completely impressed and stoked. they would not have survived if it wasnt for all the help i have recieved on RIU. so informational and helpful members. i remember when i was asking all...
  4. jdubness

    aquarium lights

    is it okay to have some red aquarium lights for my grow during veg and flowering stages? i have read some posts saying they have put aquarium lights in there during the "off" ilght schedule. since i will be getting home by the time the light schedule is off and still want to look at them and...
  5. jdubness

    Input needed 30 days into grow (hi-res pics inside)

    Good day to you all at RIU! hopefully you guys can help me out with some things. all thats needed is some input. here it goes Lighting: (question) I currently have a 600 watt HPS light, when can we swtich to light schedule 18on- 6 off? Right now, i have the HPS on for 5 hours a day and the...
  6. jdubness

    full moon is on life support i think!

    once again, good day to you all! in the pictures listed below i will explain it. in the tri plant pic, the one of the left and middle is the 'full moon' strain and the one on the right in the 'aurora indica' strain. they were all planted at the same time. this would be day 7 of them...
  7. jdubness

    transplant a success???

    good day RIU! hopefully you guys can help me out determine if my transplant was successful. i transplanted last night (its day 18 of my orignial 'chronic' strain. to me, it looks amazingly healthy. what i am sowrried about is the 'shock' it might go through with its new home. originally it...
  8. jdubness

    almost yellow tips on nodes

    i got about a 4'' plant right now. it is been very generous eith the speed of growth so far. its been 8 days since it was planted in its medium. tempe stays from 81 day time and 74 night time. lights are 2'' above top of plant. just began mxing in very little nutes for the plant to ge used to...
  9. jdubness

    plant about 3'' tall

    when do i know i can start my vegging process? plant is about 3'' tall and appears healthy. should i wait till i get a couple more nobes? im excited to start my nutes thats why im asking about the vegging process :mrgreen:
  10. jdubness

    sprout healthy???

    i was just curious on if my sprout was healthy. just sprouted this morning. i am curious to know if its supposed to be sticking straight up or kind of bent a little bit. everything else looks healthy to me (i think). it is an indoor grow. got flourescent lights 2 inches above the sprout...
  11. jdubness

    finally it sprouted... then what

    FINALLY my "chrnoic" strain seed has sprouted! sprout is beginnig to curl a little and inside of the seed is cracked and green. huge reward and perfec surprise to wake up to. currently have it planted in dixie cup with 4 slits and holes at bototm. flourescent light 2 inches above sprout...
  12. jdubness

    green fuzz on seeds while germing???

    i recently germed some great seeds of different strains. they all rooted and cracked etc. but now they are sitting in a pellot for faster growth and i peeked at them today and saw some green fuzz. not quite mold, not quite algae. but some green fuzz. can anyone help me figure this out?? they...
  13. jdubness

    knot or tip side up?

    obviously i am new to this. long time user now its time to start my personal. do you place the tip of the seed up or the knot side up?
  14. jdubness

    rooting seeds (root fell off)

    one of my seeds began rooting and during transplants, i accidentally tore off the white tip. does that mean that the seed is dead or will it regrow once planted in soil???
  15. jdubness

    Germination Process???

    i am new to this so excuse the newbie-ness going on. i currently have 2 hash plants germinating in the paper towel method. it has been a week since they have been in a very dark place with 2 paper plates and a wet napkin in between the plates. they are not soaking wet, but just moist. i have...