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  1. M

    Started This June, So Far

    Never grown anything in my life i started this in june. almost 4 months.
  2. M

    Just using Fox Farm Tiger Bloom do i need anything else?

    I am 22 days into flower have been using Just 2tps of FF Tiger Bloom every other water. should i be using anything else or just continue like so until done. plants are 4ft + after being tied down had some problems i never really flushed until yellowing started after flower ph was off so i...
  3. M

    Leafs Yellow and Red/Brown in middle.

    not sure why they are looking like this i have been changing the water and lower nuitrients, even used Azamax when i noticed had some bugs eating on the roots like Fungus Knats or Aphids. Is over a month old and on 18/6