Search results

  1. midnight smoker

    what to do in Vancouver

    I'm takin a trip to canada next month but i really have no idea what to do any suggestions?
  2. midnight smoker

    is this plant ready to flower

    this is only my second grow so i could use so expert advice im not sure if this plant is ready to flower i can't let it veg for much longer as it is quickly out growgrow box so i need to do something soon, any advice is greatly appreciated.
  3. midnight smoker

    Why can't I sleep when i drink

    I went out for a couple of drinks with my buddies yesterday and i noticed that when ever i drink I end up passing out for like 2 to 3 hours but then i wake up and can't go back to sleep. does this happen to anyone else or am i just weird
  4. midnight smoker

    Student Loan Question

    ok i have a question about student loans that no one has been able to answer, so if anyone out there has any experience with student loans please feel free to give any info that you think is useful. Ok so here's my current situation I will be starting school on the 29th of this month and I have...
  5. midnight smoker

    Any soccer fans out there?

    just wondering if anyone else watches soccer and what teams you like. personally I like Everton and Arsenal. as well as the Netherlands and of course the US I just wish soccer was more popular here
  6. midnight smoker

    Need Workout Help

    ok I've been working out for about two weeks now and i think i'm doin ok. but the other day i worked out with some friends who are workout veterans and they pointed out a few things i could do better. Currently I work out twice a day in the mornings i do abs and i run, before my morning work out...
  7. midnight smoker

    Joining a Frat. Any Suggestions?

    I'm thinkin of joining a frat next semester but I don't have any clue about which one to join I know someone in Alpha Tau Omega and they say it's pretty cool. but any suggestions would help
  8. midnight smoker

    PC stealth box question

    ok so i'm growing in one of those PC stealth grow boxes and my plants are about 4 weeks old and i'm starting to think that the grow box is too small. does anyone have any experience with these grow boxes and what strain is best suited for them (mine are Blue Mystic)
  9. midnight smoker

    grow help?

    i know this is a question for the growing section but whatever, anyway i got one of those stealth pc grow boxes from my brother and i plant 2 plants in it. my plants are 2 weeks old and im starting to think the grow box isn't big enough. does anyone have any advice on how to save(?) space or...
  10. midnight smoker

    Need Tips On Gettin' A Job

    ok im 19 I used to work as a mechanic at a garage but i really dont count that as a legit job cause it was really unprofessional (ie: gettin payed under the table, no safety regulations .. shit like that) anyway i applied at a legit garage and haven't gotten any response but a know their hiring...
  11. midnight smoker

    NEED car help

    so i was changing my spark plugs today and noticed 2 out of the 6 were covered in oil. I've been doing some research and have come up with a few possible answers 1. valves not sealing properly 2. worn piston rings 3. head gasket needs replacement 4. valve cover gasket needs replacement 5...
  12. midnight smoker

    where are all the chill poker players at

    i play mostly on full tilt but sometimes will friends, mostly hold'em but a bit of Omaha as well, 3/6 dollar blinds Whats your favorite card game what stakes do you play where do you play any bad beat stories are welcome to
  13. midnight smoker

    super thrive as a rooting compound?

    I was wondering if it would be possible to use super thrive as a rooting compound and if so how does it compare to other rooting compounds
  14. midnight smoker

    online seed order question

    i've been growing pot for awhile now and i usually just get my seeds from the pot i buy, but lately i havent been getting any viable seeds. I was thinkin about order some online but i would like to hear from someone with experience buyin seeds online.
  15. midnight smoker

    I need to look older quick

    Ok I turned 19 about 4 months ago but unfortunately I look 16 or 17 tops. Now here's why I need to look older, I started playing poker about 2 years ago with my friends and according to them I have the skills to play for real( in a casino) But the gambling age in Vegas is 21, so for now at least...
  16. midnight smoker

    video editing question

    Today i downloaded the movie friday off of youtube but I had to download it in parts so i was wondering if anyone knows a way to fuse all the parts together
  17. midnight smoker

    Doomed threads

    I dont know why but the last 2 or 3 of my threads have just died. by this I mean no one comments on them. WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dunno im just ranting
  18. midnight smoker

    immaturity at its finest

    ok Who the fuck is f d d 2 b l k. this immature bitch has posted a bunch of retarded as stuff. and P.S. f d d 2 b l k "you fail at life"
  19. midnight smoker

    The greatest discovery since fire

    so last night i had just finished off a bowl and was just spacing out and flickin my lighter and i notice that when you flick the lighter it makes a perfect smoke ring that goes all the way up to the ceiling. either it was really cool or i was really high!
  20. midnight smoker

    Porn porn porn!

    whats your favorite kind of porn.