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  1. kronica420

    bigger the pot the bigger the plant?

    is that true? im a first timer and i want really tall plants but idk how to get them that size. please help.
  2. kronica420

    harvest yet?

    My plant has been harvesting for like 14 weeks indoors my buds are huge they wont stop growing. but ive heard that it takes 12 maybe 13 weeks of flower. Im ready to chop her down. on the older buds the hairs are all red but the new growth on top of the old buds have white hairs and like all the...
  3. kronica420

    ready to harvest?

    My Sativa is 12 1/2 weeks into flower indoors. Most of the trichcombs are cloudy and a few auburn. is it ready yet? and the buds just keep gettin bigger. 1st time grower. bongsmilie
  4. kronica420

    I think today is harvest day, help!

    I just got done checking my sativa with my microscope, this is my first grow I saw ALOT of cloudy trichomes but a few clear ones. today is its 9 1/2 week of flower should I chop her down? :-?
  5. kronica420

    harvest time? 9weeks sativa. please help!

    hey this is my first grow with my sativa ive heard sativas take about 9 weeks to flower. Today is my 9th week but i cant tell all i got is a 2x 4x magnifying glass with a light as far as i can see i dont see any amber trichomes i think they are all cloudy though. idk i cant f*cking see with this...
  6. kronica420

    3 pants 1 pot?

    Can you grow like two or three plants in one pot from seed to harvest it they are small?
  7. kronica420

    How to reveg after harvesting?

    In about 3 1/2 weeks ill be able to harvest my sativa. Afterwards id like to keep the plant growing in veg stage and eventually flower again for more buds. How should I do this? thanks!:mrgreen:
  8. kronica420

    Fan Leaves yellowing too fast during flower, help!!

    Hi im in my 6 1/2 week of flowering my stativa 3 more weeks and it should be about done. My plant is really small but has alot of little buds on it. I was always told when your leaves turn yellow to cut them off because it will take nutes away from the buds. So everytime i cut off the yellow...
  9. kronica420

    red hairs?

    Ive beem flowering my girl for like 4 weeks. No buds yet, but its workin on it and today i noticed when the lights came on one or two of the first white hairs that came up are red. Does that normally happen to the white hairs as they get older or what? cause im not even close to harvest time...
  10. kronica420

    Two quick questions please help thanks!

    So my plant is flowering i was wondering if its safe to give her some epsom salt, cause i think she has a Magnesium deficiency due to her leaves twisting and kinda curling. And also is it safe to transplant in the middle of flowering? I dont want to stress her? thanks!!
  11. kronica420

    Two quick questions! please read! thanks!

    So my plant is flowering i was wondering if its safe to give her some epsom salt, cause i think she has a Magnesium deficiency due to her leaves twisting and kinda curling. And also is it safe to transplant in the middle of flowering? I dont want to stress her? thanks!!
  12. kronica420

    curling twisting leaves??

    My female is 8 weeks old and 3 1/2 weeks into flower. It looks great except for some of the leaves, the edges of them are curling under and some are kinda twisting. idk can you help me out?
  13. kronica420

    Changing the flowering cycle?? HELP!

    My plant has been flowering for 3 weeks on 12/12. The lights come on at noon and off at midnight and so on. I want to change it to lights on at 8am and off at 8pm. They say: During the flowering stage, indoor plants can easily handle no light for 48 hours and even longer. They do not grow as...
  14. kronica420

    Change flowering light times?? HELP please read!

    Right now my plants light cycle for flowering is 12pm to 12am on, 12am to 12pm off. I really want to change it to 7am to 7pm on and 7pm to 7am off. Would that put my plant through shock? please help!
  15. kronica420

    Do male plants have colas??

    Todays the first day my plant has begun to show its sex after 2 1/2 weeks of 12/12. It looks like it has a small cola at the top. Does this mean its a girl?
  16. kronica420

    first two pistols!! help

    Id have pics but i cant find my camera right now. its been like a little over 2 weeks into flowering 12/12. I was wondering do the first pistols usually form around the top branches? Cause i have two oval looking balls in between the top two branches and coming off of one of the balls is two...
  17. kronica420

    Anyone ever see their plant move before your eyes?

    I just did, it was trippy. I put it out in the sun and the leaves were looking a little droopy. So i watered it and the whole top of the plant slightly fell over. Its fine now the leaves just perked back up. Its weird i dont know if its because it got bigger. But lately it wants more water...
  18. kronica420

    1st time flower HELP! Pics!!! =)

    I just started flowering 4 days ago. I started doing 12/12. I was wondering how long will it take before it starts to show sex? The plant is about 6 weeks old. But its not very big due to a transplant when it was 4 weeks. And every tip of every leaf is brown i think its nute burn from the old...
  19. kronica420

    flower sick plant??

    My plant is 5 weeks and sick, the bottom leaves are yellow and the green ones all have brown tips. The new growth looks fine but the growth has slowed alot due to the last transplant maybe a week ago. Im a newbie i was thinking maybe if i put it to flower tomorrow will it get better? idk help...
  20. kronica420

    yellow brown tips? HELP

    So my plant is still young its 5 weeks but its growth has stopped because of a second transplant and it has yellow brown tips and its killing some leaves. I was wondering can i cut these tips off? would that stop the brown from spreading to the whole leaf?