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    My Pc grow... Tell me what you think please!

    Hi all, Here are some pics of my plant that is growing on a Pc case... let me know if you have any recommendations! Enjoy! :leaf:
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    Plant BURN!!!

    Hi I need some advice plz!!! Today I came to check my beatuiful plant and to my surprise the cfl's fell of and burnt some of my leafs... Now she has several toasted brown leafs and some yellow ones... What can I do!? Im new at this and dont want her to die! (ps: she is in veg)
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    My first PC Grow Box! Please give me your thoughts experts!

    Hi ! This is my first post and would really appreciate your comments on my first pc grow box grow lol.. I have 1 plant from bagseed, I made the pc grow box, it has: 4 CFL's 20w, 23w, 23w, 20w, 6400k daylight flourecents... here are some pics I would like your...