Search results

  1. Twisty190

    Grow Box Setup.

    Alright guys. This may be a bitch but im doing some research and need help with my setup im about to build. So far i got a 4'x4' wooden doghouse ( everythings cleaned out. Its about 3/4'' thick. It was made to keep my dog warm a few years ago but we sold him before he ever used it. Im going to...
  2. Twisty190

    New Bubbler Piece

    Sick fucking bubbler i just got. Lemme know what you think. Its a double blown white/black inside and out bubbler. Hands down the prettiest piece ive owned
  3. Twisty190


    Damn people.. if your so worried about you shit being male or female just get the balls to spend like 10$ more for feminized seeds.. Shit GOOD LUCK growingbongsmilie:peace::bigjoint::leaf:
  4. Twisty190


    Your definitely a Ganja-Head if you dont have the munchies and pictures of peoples crops still make your mouth water(: Although its ironic, because being stoned gives you the big CMS ( Cotton Mouth Syndrome), but who gives a hell, your guys' babies are making me sad ): I was growing earlier...
  5. Twisty190


    Who the fuck put ''Smoking Kills'' ads on a fucking pot site? that is the stupidest shit ive ever seen. Like seriously. Thats dumb as fuck. This site is all about a smokeable substance and we got dumbass ads showing us pictures of teeth that look like you'd find in a person who smokes meth all...
  6. Twisty190


    I was just wondering.. Has anyone ever had an indoor setup outside? I know indoor is the best way but the damn smell just lurks.. I dont have time for a charcoal pot right now. Im not really looking into doing this but it was just an idea. Anyone ever tried it? Like the lights and shit setup...
  7. Twisty190

    Shivadas. Please someone help.

    permalink Does anyone here order or have ordered or even know if shivada's glass requires a signature upon delivery? The website is if anyone is familiar with it. I want to order a piece from them but know if they require a signature i wont be here to sign...
  8. Twisty190

    Shivadas Glass

    permalink Does anyone here order or have ordered or even know if shivada's glass requires a signature upon delivery? The website is if anyone is familiar with it. I want to order a piece from them but know if they require a signature i wont be here to sign...
  9. Twisty190

    Shivada's glass

    Does anyone here order or have ordered or even know if shivada's glass requires a signature upon delivery? The website is if anyone is familiar with it. I want to order a piece from them but know if they require a signature i wont be here to sign it in time. Help would be greatly...
  10. Twisty190

    Cant wait

    Cant fucking wait until next grow season. Planted in june, got flooded and killed.. Was going to try back in september.. just to rainy. Cant wait till april!!!!!
  11. Twisty190

    Bubbler Question

    Anyone know where i can find an illadelph double bubbler? I need it offline or from someone who has one and wants to sell. It looks like this: I believe they come in blue and clear. I would take either color. Preshiate it:joint:
  12. Twisty190

    Bubbler Question

    Does anyone know where i can get an illadelph double bubbler? I need it offline, or from someone who has one and wants to sell. Looks like that. I believe it comes in blue or clear. I would take either color. Thanks
  13. Twisty190

    Are you one of those people?

    Are you like me? Do you just look for threads with pictures because you obsess over the crop and you absolutely love seeing beautiful plants? I sure am. How about you?
  14. Twisty190

    Just planted

    I just planted my seed! But i got a question. My grow hole is about 2 feet deep and 1 ft wide. I took out the top soil because it wasnt sucking in water and replaced it, than planted. There is still like 5 inches of space between the top of the hole and the actual top of the soil. Can i keep...
  15. Twisty190

    Just started

    Just started germination for my outdoor grow. Yes im aware its late as SHIT to start but hell im in the south, its 85 and sunny all day year round! Wish me luck. Oh, and im going to get a PH tester. Anybody know any other supplies i need, ( obviously not nutrients cause i got those ) I had...
  16. Twisty190

    Too late to grow? Need help.

    Okay, so my fucking plant got drowned like 3 months ago after a flood. Fuck my luck. Is it too late to start growing? Info for the people who need it Average sunlight a day: Around 14 hours Average temperature: 70-85 Degrees F' Average rain: about once every week Night Time Temperature: 65-75...
  17. Twisty190

    Too late?

    Would it be too late to start growing right now outdoors? I was growing, but my plant unfortunately got watered down too much from recent rain and it died. I found a spot that relatively gets around 12 hours of sun each day, but is it too late? Im kinda of worried
  18. Twisty190

    How come? ( read )

    How come everyone on the site seems to stay away from the posts new users post? I just find it aggrivating that newer members need more help with stuff and bigger problems and nobody bothers to answer the posts or anything, but they will answer the stupidest questions from long time members...
  19. Twisty190

    Medical Marijuana Question

    Ok. Here it goes. I was wondering how hard it is to get a medical marijuana license. Im not trying to get one so i can legally smoke, i really do have alot of problems that marijuana helps with and no other medicine ive been prescribed works. I have daily migraines and i keep taking medicine...
  20. Twisty190

    How much pot have you grown?

    How much bud have you grown in your growing career so far? All answers welcome! Peace Love Ganja The person whos grown the most might just receive some +rep from me.. who knows :hump: And dont bother posting bullshit answers, if its not reasonable, i wont count it. -Twisty-...