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  1. C

    Water Usage

    Hi there, I am currently in the process of starting my first bubbleponics system. Seeing as you need to change the water every week or so (am I right?) in a 20 gallon tub, would authorities ever take notice of a high water bill? And any ideas on how much this will increase your water bill? Cheers.
  2. C

    Helpful Video I found this video while searching on the net, found it very helpful. I know Roseman is a legend when it comes to this kind of stuff but I thought I would add this to help out anyone who is keen to grow a cheap bubbleponics system. Hope...
  3. C

    International Shipping

    Hi there, I live in NZ and the only good deals on CFL's I can find are from US online stores. However I can't seem to find one that ships to NZ. Does anyone know of an online store that ships internationally? Cheers.
  4. C

    Bong Hunt!

    Yo, Ok a while back when I was scraping a bong for resin I thought to myself, wouldn't it be cool if there was a glass or acrylic bong that could be unscrewed into smaller parts so scraping for resin would be that much easier? Well I have become obsessed with the idea but I can't seem to find...
  5. C

    Help Needed with first CFL Grow Op

    Hi there, I'm quite new to growing buds so could do with a little help from the experts :) I've got my seeds sorted, planning on having three plants in a closet but am a little stuck with what CFL lights to buy (I'm a student with a limited source of income). Any suggestions for a CFL grow op...