Search results

  1. Massachrist

    New Nub Here

    I'm new to rollitup and came to consume your knowledge, but I have random bits of knowledge I can produce here and there! :mrgreen:
  2. Massachrist

    Preparation of Peyote/San Pedro

    What is the easiest and most effective way to prepare and consume Peyote or San Pedro cacti? And SWIM would like to not bother with an extraction of the mescaline. But any hints and suggestions are welcome! Thanks!
  3. Massachrist

    Storage of Psychedelics (Shrooms and Acid)

    What's the easiest and most practical way to store the both of them (not together, of course)? It would only be for a period of 2 weeks or less. Thanks for any help!
  4. Massachrist

    Please Help: Salvia Divinorum Outdoor Growing.

    I don't know anywhere to post this. But I would like to know the easiest way possible to grow good strains of Salvia D. out doors (In a forest or wooded area). I heard it's hard, but any tips, etc would be nice!