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  1. grokeyLokey

    2nd attempt HELP Seedlings O ye Purple Stem

    Hey everyone this is attempt two @cfl previous babies didnt make the trip to the promised land ...anyway im on day 3 and i germ'd the little ones using the paper towel method. DAY 1 I left them in the paper towel untill they were tall enuff to be out of the dirt (i know ..too long)...
  2. grokeyLokey

    Seedlings O The Purple Stem

    Hey everyone this is attempt two @cfl previous babies didnt make the trip to the promised land ...anyway im on day 3 and i germ'd the little ones using the paper towel method. DAY 1 I left them in the paper towel untill they were tall enuff to be out of the dirt (i know ..too long)...
  3. grokeyLokey

    Newbie to Cfl gro

  4. grokeyLokey

    Newbie to Cfl gro

    okay i have 2 23wcfl and two 43w ...i have 7 seeds in jiffy peat pellets that have not come out of dirt ..its been five days of 24 hour light w the two 23watts sitting about 1 inch from pellets...i have them in a small rubbermaid tub.. previously i had 7 seedlings under 24hour light cycle wit 2...