Search results

  1. S

    Stealth Grow Marijuana

    As most of use know quality marijuana can cost like $20-$30 a gram, but with this stealth grow box you can pay it off and make a little in the first 2-5 months you have it. from then on your save saving a ton of money a month and maybe making some if you want to sell to your friends. Here is...
  2. S

    computer grow box

    okay so I just finished a grow using a computer grow box and it works great. I have some pics to post once my cuz gives me my SD card back. I also have a you tube video of the grow yall can check out. I got my case from if any one...
  3. S

    great stealth box

    hey guys just wondering if anyone else has a box from they work very well for me just want to know who has one and if they like it. here is a youtube video of my box. ttp:// ill post pics of the grow from start to finish once I get my...