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  1. B

    Male or Female??? Picture Included! HELP

    hey guys:-P been growing an outdoor baby now for bout 8 weeks. i heard i should be able to see pre-flowers to determine gender (there feminised seeds but i suppose you never know!) are the little "hairs" in the picture female preflowers or just random?? any advice will be greatly...
  2. B

    help me out please!!

    hey, i've been growing an outdoor anti mould strain (AMS) for round 3 weeks now. however i feel as if i should be providing nutrients for the plant! sofar all i have used is standard compost. when and what should i add to the plant to increase vegitation?? should i stake the plant to give...
  3. B

    Few tips please!!

    hey all this is my first time growing and thankfully the info i've got on this site has helped loads!! but i need some advice!! i am growing a ams plant. its an anti mould strain so perfect for outdoor growing. my plant is bout 4inches tall and is starting to vegetate. 1. do i need to...
  4. B

    is my seed ready to be planted? pls help!

    just germinated my first ever batch of seeds.....the white tip has cracked open the seed and now and is extending out. its still on moist tissue paper. should i put it into my medium now? also after i plant my germinated seed does it need light straight away?? or do i keep it in germination...