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  1. Grow4Profit

    Co2 **The Big Debate***

    I have heard so many different opinions on the subject of Co2 as far as the proper PPM, Temp, Humidity. I wanted to see what other people had heard. How many PPMs are you running? What Temperature and humidity is your room for maximum benefit? How long is your room staying at an elevated...
  2. Grow4Profit

    Has anyone used the HydroGEN Water cooled Co2 Generator?

    I want to buy this product (the Natural Gas version) and I wanted to find out if anyone else is useing it and what thier experiance has been like. It says ot puts out about 45 Cubic Feet of Co2 per hour and it's around $350 I was looking at the CAP one that puts out 36 Cubic feet per hour and...
  3. Grow4Profit

    My Small Closet Grow **PIX**

    He is the 411 on my small closet grow. My house is raised and the bottom level is unfinished with a garage attached. There was a portion of the area that I was able to segregate away from the rest by building a door and adding a wall. I then insulated the area and screwed up ply wood over the...
  4. Grow4Profit

    Thumbnail pix

    I saw a post with very nice thumbnail photos with a black backround that I was able to scroll through. I would like to post some pix of my grow room in this fasion. How do I do this? I already have the pix uploaded into an album on this site. Thank you very much for your help -G4P...
  5. Grow4Profit

    Carbon Filter in Reverse

    I am Air Cooling a 12 light (750w) set up. I want to suck the air through the hoods and dump it outside of the room into a Carbon Filter to reduce oder. Does anyone know if this will work or can I only suck into the filter for it to be useful? Thanks 4 the help