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  1. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Speeding ticket

    Speeding ticket today. $200 and 35 demerit points..... looks like I wont be getting high for a while
  2. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Get it out!!!

    oh no! Ive got the tetris music stuck in my head. Make it stop!!
  3. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Mines bigger than yours....

    Hey everyone. Just wondering who here has the biggest bong? Post yours pics and lets find out whos is the biggest.
  4. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Best Album?

    Hey guys. Whats your best album to listen to while high? Obviously it comes down to personal prefernce but yeah. It has to be a whole album from start to finish. Right now im listening to the white album. and its fucking crazy. whats yours?
  5. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Whats your favourite thing to do?

    I know everyones got different shit so whats your favourite thing to do while stoned? You can only choose one so choose wisely. For me, I like to watch movies. In particular fantasy movies like Pans Labyrinth or Terry Pratchetts The Hogfather. Fucking crazy shit. So anyway, whats your...
  6. youmustfindthejademonkey


    Hey everyone. Im in the market for a new bong and was wondering what sort i should go for? Is it worth shelling out mega bucks or should i got for a cheapie and spend the rest on weed? Is there much difference in a $50 bong and a $500? How different is glass to accrylic or wood or whatever? Ive...
  7. youmustfindthejademonkey

    My daddy was a bank robber..

    Ive had a brilliant idea. First you get some friends, dress up as workmen, then you start doing "roadworks" around the bank. But really you are just digging all the way around. Then you come in during the night with a house moving tuck, lift up the bank and away you go!! Brilliant huh BTW...
  8. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Stoned Shopping

    I just went to the supermarket and got some snacks and I thought it was gonna be like 40 bucks and it was only 16 something. And I got a cake, and some microwave pies and some choclate and some noodles and some other stuff..... Intense I know. What do you like to buy when you go shopping...
  9. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Have you ever fallen in love?

    Hey everyone. I dont see how this is relevant other than that fact that im high. So I'll tell you anway. Im cleaning through my cuboard and came accross a whole bunch of old love letters from an ex gf. And now im having the best time ever burning them all! I should have done this a long...
  10. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Best stoner movie ever?

    If you could make your own stoner movie, what would it be? Who would be in it? What would happen? What sorta tunes would you use in it?
  11. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Kia Ora

    Hi everyone. Long time reader....and now its time to join up and hopefully contribute something good to this excellent site. Little blurb about me...Im 21 and im from New Zealand. Im into some strange music (loreena mckennitt, portishead, godspeed you! black emperor). I don't have too many...
  12. youmustfindthejademonkey

    Ultimate Stoner Room?

    Hi everyone. Long time listener, first time caller....or something.... I was just wonder what everyones idea of an ultimate stoner room would be? What would you have in in (apart from the obvious) what pictures, posters, extra stuff like a fridge or microwave? I guess im talking about...