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  1. thedemon

    Pop Corn Bud - Encouraging Growth?

    I have been trolling through forums, reading debate pages and information pages now for several hours on several occasions and i can not seem to come to a conclusion to my problem. I am in need of a professional for an answer and none of the spam answers we sometimes see. My plants have now...
  2. thedemon

    250Watts 4small(ish plants)

    To start with i was using a Single Tube of light to grow my plants, i didnt even know what wattage it was, i know it was under a hundred. They grew perfectly though. After the first month of growing i bought a new 250Watt CFL from greenshorticulture. I have my plants under that ~2inches away...
  3. thedemon

    (pics)Flowering Time? Skunk Haze

    Howz it going peeps, just a quick question. Do these two plants look about ready to flower? The stem reaches about 14inches, Nearly 7weeks old. Do you think i will get a decent yield out of them if i was to start flowering them now? I was thinking about leaving them untill my AK47 Auto was...
  4. thedemon

    several N00B questions.

    I have a few questions that i think i should post under one topic so as not to clutter up the forums. They are probably quite easy to answerr but i am not an expert at the moment as i wish to be. The first is that my plants average out to only about 8 and a half inches tall a good height for a...
  5. thedemon

    Turning leaves to hash?

    My plants have been growing now for nearly 3-4weeks and i was just wondering if it is possible to prune the leaves and turn them into Hashis at the stage they are at now. I always thought that they do not produuce THC untill they start budding but im not 100% sure. Ive left a picture of where...
  6. thedemon

    Yellow Spot

    Hey, im about 3 weeks into growing some very nice plants and one of the plants has a really small yellow blot growing on it towards the edge of one of the leaves. I would take picture but i dont currently have my digital camera. Just curosus as to wether it is a big problem i need to worry...
  7. thedemon


    Hey im Jamie, i've been checking out this website for ages and have just got the effort to join. Its a bangin website with loads of usefull tips. I like to grow my weed get high and make music. If you wanan chat just talk :) Safe Jamie