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  1. Tool

    3-4 weeks from harvest (pics)

    7 plants, Bubba Kush, under 1 - 1000W HPS (the small one is a clone I received a week or so later) I wish i had a few better pics, but i took these w/ my phone.
  2. Tool

    Name Brand Blubs vs (other), Where do you buy your bulbs from?

    I have an old 1000W HPS system, & I think the bulb needs to be replaced (even though it works). I'm wondering, for those of you who grow with HPS lighting systems, when you buy bulbs (individually), Do you try and buy "name brand" bulbs? Do you feel like different bulbs, although same wattage...
  3. Tool

    Clones w/o heating pad, now recovered (fully)?

    Hey guys, I had about 12 clones I got from a friend about 3-4 weeks ago. He's always guided me in the right direction before, but he forgot to mention that I needed a heating pad for the clones (when they're in the rock wool) in cold weather. I didn't find that out untill almost 2 weeks...
  4. Tool

    Purple? Strain or Growing Process?

    I have this ongoing argument with a friend of mine about how "purple" is grown. I was told that to get "Purple" when the buds are just coming out, you take a needle and bruise the buds. I'm not sure if this is correct but this is what I was told. Is it the way you grow it? or can you plant...
  5. Tool

    I need suggestions for a new grower

    Hey, I'm new to the forums as well as growing in general. I could really use a few pointers on growing indoor. I'm been smoking for years, and have friends that grow. So I have a very basic understanding of the whole process. I will be getting 2 - 1' tall mother plants within the next week...