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  1. S

    bye bye garden, hello mom!!! :(

    so my mom broke her leg in multiple places due to a car accident... after hrs of surgery, shes been puzzed bak together... shes lives alone and needs help... i now have to get rid of my garden and move her in my bassment... this is so disapointing cuz i like to grow but really what can i do...
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    twister 108 strain

    any1 grow, smoke or seen this strain???
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    BLZ bud

    any1 grow this strain or smoke it???
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    recycled dirt

    who reuses soil???
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    post harvest clean up

    what do u guys use to clean ur tents, pots and any other gear and how soon can u put things bak in the disenfected objects between harvests???
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    bubble cloner plugs?

    k so im makin a cloner today... where do i get these neoprene plugs from??? a hydro store or home depot??? i dont have a hydro store in town so if thats where u get them from, does any1 have a suggestion of what i can use instead
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    areo/bubble cloner help???

    K,so in the FAQ, there a areo cloner in there that I'm gonna bulid but it doesn't say how often to run the bubble wand/pump. So how often and for how long do u run this buble cloners and how high shoiuld the res be from the clone ends??? Like how misted should they get?
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    a lota threads on police visits!!!

    fuk i musta seen like 5 threads today of cops raiding medicinal grow ops... some r old and most turn out good but u guys r makin me fukkin paro, like its a sign or sumthing... hopefully not... sry bout ur shitty news guys
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    lights too close, cooked my nugs, harvest???

    k so my lights were too close to my nugs, FUK!!! and about 3-4 days ago 2 plants got burned... they r at 7 weeks now, the rest of my crop(same age has cloudy swollen tichs and getting close) i have sampled a nug and it gets u pretty high... i wanna keep the unaffected plants gowing an another...
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    fuk im a lazy procrastinator!!!

    man im so lazy.. i have mad shit to do around my house and in my garden and jus dont have the "umph" to get up and do it... any1 else like this??? how do u get motivated???
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    gonna mix a drink, what should i have???

    k so im a drinker... love it more then weed.. "ask my pops, its genetic.. thats y im a alky and not a fukkin weed head" im leanin on mojitos or malabu and pineapple rite now... i have an extensive collection of liqure and love to mix drinks... what do u guys like??? lets hear sum drinks and the...
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    thinkin bout goin hyroponics but have no clue on it...

    hey guys, been pondering switching to hydro... i dont know a thing a bout hydroponics so its hard to really search for answers,how can i find answers when i dont know what im lookin for? and the FAQ section is down....i was at my local hydro store and was lookin a set up where a pump floods my...
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    any1 ever use this GI grow thing???

    whats the cons, pros??? is it worth the 4k??? over all experience???
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    mollases smells like dog shit?!?!?

    k so i have been using mollases for bout a week now and noticed my tent smells like dog shit... i was investagating and found the smell was coming from the plastic saucers that catch the run off... this smell is new so im wondering if its from the molases as that is new to my garden as well...
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    + rep

    jus wanted to say thnx for all the rep ive been reciveing the past lil while.. its only rep and its not like i care about it but im glad to see ppl put out the effort and show repect for the infomation provided to them... cheers guys!!! plz leave ur name when giving rep to sum1 so they know who...
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    seeds with no male????

    while lookin at my crop lastnite i saw a seed growin in 1 of my buds... theres no male content in the room what so ever.. y is this and will it be a female seed???
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    sample nug????

    k so ill be 6 weeks on friday and boy do they look good.. i wanna sample a lil nug.... is 6 weeks good to take a lil nug or shuld i wait another week???
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    sharing a tent, veg/flower.. temp and circulation concerns???

    k so i had to split my tent with a curtain to acommadate my needs... hopefully short term... its a 8x4x5.5 ft tent.. the flower side is 4x5x5.5 with a 1k hps and the veg is 3x4x5.5 with a 400MH.. anyways.. my temps used to be at 82 b4 i put the 400 in and now at 92-95... is this too hot??? i...
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    recycled "new posts"????

    cant remember if i made this thread b4 or not but i know i was gonna, and think i forgot... so sry if i did... anyways, y is it when i click on "new posts" im seein the same shit over and over agn?? sum of these threads r from a yr ago... does this mean a new post has been made on it??? if so...
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    4th week 12/12 stuned growth???

    k so perhaps im bein paranoid but it doesnt seem like my plants r really growin anymore.. ya i know that in flowering they dont grow as much as veg but they dont seem to be much different then last week, as in denser or larger... jus more mature like browning hairs and such... any reason...