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  1. lostsoul420

    Same smell different day...WTF

    Yo what's up guys. Alright so the past few grows i've noticed that im always getting flowers that smell relatively all similar....real sweet and fruity, though i've only grown indica dominate i have to say im really not getting much of a difference maybe some more spicer than others but still...
  2. lostsoul420

    HELP....White spots on leaves

    What up guys and gals quick question my plant is flowering now outdoors, on my last visit up there i started to see white spots scattered throughout the leaves. size varies from a dime to a bit bigger than a quarter. It almost looks like bird shit but really diluted, or if someone splattered...
  3. lostsoul420

    Power was out for 2 days what to do????

    So i had an indoor set up and power was cut off for 2 days approx. The weather is shitty out and cloudy and there isn't much sunlight...The tent was soaked due to flooding as well. I saved the plants from being soaked by isolating them but what am i to do???? Should they be fine or will they...
  4. lostsoul420

    Calling all medi growers in Cali

    Qucik question for caregivers or medical grow ops for patients. If you grow for let's say 4 patients which in theory would allow you to grow 24 mature plants. My question is what are the exact processes one must go through enable to do such for 4 patients. Also is there a cap on how many...
  5. lostsoul420

    Roots are in need of help.

    ok i see that there can be many problems that can happen to your roots. So i have a aero set up plants are in the 3rd week of growing. Now the roots have came up an out from the pod. Bottom branches closes to roots are green like the skin has been pealed off and it's now growning seperate roots...
  6. lostsoul420

    plant seizes to grow any further!

    what's up guys and gals....Im having a bit of a problem i got an aero a week ago and i germinated my seeds planted them they sprouted very nicely then i noticed about a 4 days into it that they just stopped growing granted they started to show signs of pistils or balls, i thought i might have...