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  1. C

    First time growing, questions inside...

    Hey guys, I was just wondering if I would be able to grow a few good, or at least decent size plants in this closet (pictures fo closet space will be uploaded tomorrow 3/5/09) I have 2 light reflectors and an area that I believe is 2' x 5' to work with (the closet is bigger, but I'm only wanting...
  2. C

    2 or 3 plants in this closet?

    Hey guys, I was just wondering if I would be able to grow a few good, or at least decent size plants in this closet (pictures fo closet space will be uploaded tomorrow 3/5/09) I have 2 light reflectors and an area that I believe is 2' x 5' to work with (the closet is bigger, but I'm only wanting...
  3. C

    Outdoor grow in Colorado?

    Hey guys, I just planted 6 seeds today (several of which had been previously germinated) and I was wondering this. Would I be able to grow some good, or at least decent, quality plants here in Colorado? I'm still learning about the proper way to grow cannabis, but seeing as how this is my first...