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  1. WhiteDove

    Babies looking sick! PLEASE HELP!

    I came home today and my plants were looking a little sick...I'm hoping this is just a under-watering problem. The pictures were taken after I watered them..The soil was super dry and I haven't watered them in a couple that the problem? There is also a little yellowing on one of the...
  2. WhiteDove

    First Grow (Closet) - CFL
  3. WhiteDove

    Bagseed Closet Grow - CFL WhiteDove

    So I finally got my closet set up. I'm using Fox Farm Ocean Forest and 3 seeds have already broken ground. I'm waiting on 9 others. I have 12 26W CFL's and I put up space blankets for reflective material. The temperature is staying at 77-79 F. So far they look good I think, except one plant has...
  4. WhiteDove

    My First Grow Closet

    So after a long time I just finished my grow closet. It doesn't have a door on it so I figured I would just throw up either a sheet with an emergency space blanket taped to the inside, or maybe JUST the space blanket. There is no exhaust yet, haven't decided if I'm going to install one or just...
  5. WhiteDove

    Making Holes In Wood - Manually

    So I'm no carpenter, and not too good with any kind of tool.. But for my set up I need to cut a rectangle sized hole in a piece of plywood and I don't have a drill to start the hole with. I have a manual saw but you can't just start a hole with one of those. Does anyone know a way that you can...
  6. WhiteDove

    Germination - Soaking Method Question

    So I'm working with some year old seeds I've had in an old film canister. I finally have a grow room set up and put some seeds in a shot glass and set them on top of my modem (it stays pretty warm). Well they've been in there for about 36 hours and they've all sunk but none of em have cracked...
  7. WhiteDove

    WhiteDove First CFL Grow

    Here we go. Long time visitor, first time poster. I finally decided to start my first grow. I figured CFL would be the cheapest/easiest way to go for a first timer. My grow space/closet is 1.5' x 3.5' and I've got 12 100W CFLs in there. It runs about 90°F. I guess my first questions are, is...