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    From fox farm to advance nutrients

    Anyone know where I can find instructions for using advance nutrients on soil ?
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    Week 9 no amber

    Do they all amber ?
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    I cut the smallest bud

    Harvest by far is proving to be the elephant in the room for me I try checking trichromes and I’m left more and more confused so I just decided to learn from experience I cut the smallest bud off I’m either gonna be happy or upset but one things for sure I’m gonna learn something
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    Trichomes confusing to me

    This is my first grow I think the plant is at the end yet the trichomes are confusing me it’s hard to keep hand steady sometimes they appear amber sometimes not then when I read up on it they say cloudy is when the plant has the highest thc so then why wait for amber ? Someone please help me...
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    So confused

    Hey guys this is my first grow praying I can find some assistance with the harvest I’ve had people tell me the plant has 2-3 weeks left while others say to chop I finally got a good scope and decided to share the photos as well as the entire plant what do you guys think
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    Bottom buds not maturing as quick as top

    This is first ever grow and I’m kind of bummed out by the fact the lower buds are not maturing as quick as the top I’m in week 7 of flower was wondering can the top buds be cut to harvest leaving behind the lower buds ?
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    She doesn’t look as vibrant

    Hey group this is my first auto grow my first anything grow for that matter was just wondering could some one tell me if it’s normal for them to not look as vibrant near the end I swear she looked so much alive and joyful during veg
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    Week 6 do I stop feeding

    This is my first grow ever auto flower in week 6 of flower buds seem to be very small do I stop feeding at this point ?
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    Found bud rot

    I found bud rot in the smallest of my first grows ever I chopped it cut out the bud rot and wet trimmed her was it done correctly ?
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    Light schedule question

    Double stuffed sorbet flipped on 5/2 first set of pistils 5/14 when do I consider the start of flower what week would I be in at this point 6 or 8 ?
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    I’ve learned a lot

    Good morning everyone . This is my first grow and when I started I was so hyped to get to the finish line that I didn’t take into account how important it was to keep a journal on dates now I’m nearing the end and have no clue when she started to flower I do have photos I’ve taken through out...
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    Photo plant looking good I guess

    You guys see where I can do anything to improve this grow ?
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    Will this be a mistake ?

    Hey guys I am a first time grower who decide to try both photo and auto the auto is out side photo is indoor in tent both are in flower with no issues so far would it be a mistake to place the auto in the tent ? I don’t have any issues with the auto but I’m afraid of bud rot at some point...
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    Did I go to far with trim ?

    Did I trim to much ?
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    First time grow

    I’m getting closer to the end however plant doesn’t seem as vibrant I do see the buds forming along with yellowing of the leaves this is going into week 5 of flower is this normal or is there something wrong
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    Flowered 5/11 how could she even be close ?

    This is my first grow ever ….. I potted 4 plants on may 6th I woke up to one of my plants looking very sad I was discouraged and was going to toss her but decided she could teach me as I attempted to nourish her she flowered on may the 11th so she’s been in flower 4 weeks could she be ready to...
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    First grow am I paranoid

    Hey group this is my first grow I’ve been growing her for 8 weeks she’s been in flower for 3 so she look healthy feeding fox farm trio using ffof
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    She is being fed fox farm trio grown in ffof healthy as can be and now I’m running into this. just watered her right at 6.3 her run off was 5.6 can someone help me and is that the cause of the discoloration of the leaves first time grower here
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    Is it possible to predict a likely yeild
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    Am I close to harvest?

    First time ever grow is she close ?