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  1. B

    Grow Plan

    Im thinking of buying two small grow tents (16" x 16" x 3"11) one for holding a mother or two and one for flowring clones. Im considering using te strain top 44 as it only takes 6-7 weeks to flower which is a plus when you consider that im growing in such a small space. Il be using a 150...
  2. B

    Can They Flower Still?

    I got 12 sprouted plants 4-6" tall but only 1-2 sets of leaves on them (allot of stretch) and in 1.5 weeks I want to put them out side to flower in the woods. By that time they should have 3 sets of leaves on them and be a good bit bigger. So They will be out side the last day of feb and stay...
  3. B

    Super Newb Question

    looking to do my first grow, basically 450 watts of fluro's, Im using 18 ounce cups with holes poked in the bottom filled with some bag soil I found on the side of my house. I plan to plant seeds in 21 of the cups (I know that not all of them will sprout) and hopefully be able to get a good...