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  1. N

    Just look at it - what are we thinkin?

    Should I start da FLUSH - hahahahah AHAHHA jk - shes 11 weeks old from seed - Auto White Widow. Breeder estimates 8 week flower. The trichome pics are a little older - from the 28th of sept. Looking at them is a PITA! I always second guess that clear, is that milky, or is it a...
  2. N

    Experience with Hydrated Lime?

    Does have anyone have experience with Hydrated Lime to QUICKLY raise PH? I have a 5 gal pot and have been having pH issues for weeks. She clearly has CAL-MAG def, and some other stuff going on. The girl is set to be harvested in probably 3 weeks. I had pH 5.8 runoff a few weeks back, flushed...
  3. N

    Nute Excess/deficiency, normal?

    I wanted to get your opinion on some yellowing leaves/burnt tips etc. I can't tell if it's an excess or deficiency of nutrients, or if it's normal for this stage. I used 1lb NLS Autoflower mixed (super soil concentrate) with Ocean Forest in the lower 1/3rd-ish of a 5gal fabric pot. I use bottled...
  4. N

    Sprouting seeds

    First post, first grow... I got some auto white widow seeds from Crog King Seeds and followed their germination instructions, mostly to a T. I soaked 2 seeds in a glass of water for 12-14 hours, when I pressed on the seeds, they sank. I then took them and placed them in a wet paper towel...