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  1. N

    Seedling to starter

    Maybe someone can help, I started a couple of seedlings and I have them in solo cups now they are just getting their second set of leaves now but one is really stretchy and starting to lay over just wanted to know if I should transplant into 1 gallon out and if so should I use putting soil no...
  2. N

    Lighting question

    I am currently using 2 light was a rookie move to buy these but lesson learned, can I switch lighting from one 300w led and 600w led currently being used to a hps 1000w light if in the second week of flower or will this switch damage the flower process? Don't think I have enough light with the...
  3. N

    Struggling with Humidity

    Hello everyone, I'm a newbie to this new hobby I've, I'm about a week into flower now have a mini dehumidifier with silicon beads and a plug in dehumidifier but can not get the humidity below 50% it fluctuates between 59% and 70% the tent I'm using is a 4x4 I have a fan on the...