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  1. PurrpaKeel

    Trouble seeing trichomes

    I'm having trouble seeing any trichomes on my flowers. I cant zoom past 3X in my room. Should I go down the block and try through the window? JK but in all seriousness, are there any trichomes on my plants yet? Are they those really small things or are they not there yet? I only have a...
  2. PurrpaKeel

    Defoliation/training suggestions please

    Hello, I'm just looking for some suggestions for what to do with my cheese plant in regards to defoliation and training and when to do so. It will be coming up on 12 weeks in veg, and will go another 6 or so before my other lights will free up so I can flower it. It had some nutrient...
  3. PurrpaKeel

    More lower yellow leaves

    Hello, I'm curious as to what you think is wrong with my white widow max plant. A week or so ago the new growth tips were slightly yellow so I cut back on the feeding a bit as I assumed I may have fed it a bit much. I'm back to regular feeding and the plant seems to be doing well except the...
  4. PurrpaKeel

    Nute problems of some sort

    So about a month ago I noticed my cheese plant getting all yellow and shriveled with brown spots. I figured I was over feeding it. So I rinsed out the soil really well a couple times and cut off the dead leaves and the browning continued. Did I go from nutrient burn to nutrient deficiency or is...