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    64 Humidty During Flowering....Will they be ok?

    My humidity has reached about 64 about 21 days into flowering. You think I will be able to avoid mold. This is real weird because I used to keep my filter on about 15 min an hour and it stayed at about 30, but now I keep it on all day and it us up to 64,,

    Mothers Under Flourecents- Can you do it?

    I wanted to know if you guys think I can grow mother plants under a set of T-5 flourecents on 18/6, or if I should run 24 hours, or if it will even work at all? Suggestions would be great.

    SOG 1st Time Flower-DJ Short Strain-Blueberry --Pics!!

    PLANTS: 16 DJ short Blueberry, in 2 gallon pots MEDIUM: Soil (Fox Farm Ocean Forrest Blend) LIGHT: 600 W HPS NUTRIENTS: Full Line of Fox Farm; Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom Cha Ching, Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz TOOLS: PH Stick (for water and soil), Clippers, Measuring Spoons I am...