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    Please help! Problems while in flower

    Please help my marijuana plant is having problems and i am not sure why. My other ones are healthy and i use the same fox farms nutrient line up along with cal mag. I ph to 6.4-6.8ph after adding everything. I use 2 tsp cal mag, 2 tsp tiger bloom, 2 tbsp big bloom per gallon/per plant. First...
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    Why are leaves curling down like this? Help please!

    any idea why this is happening?
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    Leaves turning yellow? Why? Please help

    please help i use fox farms ocean forrest soil and have not used any nutrients. What is this and how can i fix it? I have calmag and fox farms trio liquid nutrients. Should i start introducing those?
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    Leaves turning yellow! Why? Please help

    please help i use fox farms ocean forrest soil and have not used any nutrients. What is this and how can i fix it? I have calmag and fox farms trio liquid nutrients. Should i start introducing those?
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    leaves turning yellow! What is this? Help! Please

    please help i use fox farms ocean forrest soil and have not used any nutrients. What is this and how can i fix it? I have calmag and fox farms trio liquid nutrients. Should i start introducing those?
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    Leaves turning yellow. What is this? Help!

    please help i use fox farms ocean forrest soil and have not used any nutrients. What is this and how can i fix it? I have calmag and fox farms trio liquid nutrients. Should i start introducing those?
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    HELP PLEASE! Plants are getting yellow!!! Dying???

    What is going on with this 1 plant... hope to fix it and i really hope the others don't start doing the same. First time grower. New to all this. Please help! These were transplanted from 1gal bags to 5gal bags one month ago. I use oceanforest fox farms soil. I currently have not used any...
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    Plant turning yellow. Other starting to. HELP!

    What is going on with this 1 plant... hope to fix it and i really hope the others don't start doing the same. First time grower. New to all this. Please help! These were transplanted from 1gal bags to 5gal bags one month ago. I use oceanforest fox farms soil. I currently have not used any...
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    What lights? Please help! Need to get setup for harvest soon!

    hello can someone tell me what kind of lights i will need because i do not know much and this is my first grow. I currently have 4 little lights but i wanna know what exactly and how many lights i need because i heard these are not that great. Here is information to the lights i have now and my...
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    Deformed branch! Should i cut it off or leave it?

    so i have this weird deformed part of the plant and as i am new to growing i do not know if it is okay to leave it or should i cut it off? It is just this small branch on the whole plant. Weird.
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    Plant problems. Please help. Want healthy girls.

    just curious as to if anyone can easily point out what the problem with these is. I want them to be nice and healthy. I will act fast and am always usually active. Please give me a minute of your time to help me. Thanks everyone.
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    Help! Dying! Why? I will do whatever to save!

    Please help my plants are dying and i am not sure why? Not looking to get bashed as i am a first time grower but as long as you can help then bash me all you want. I will most certainly learn from it. I can provide any info needed. They are in ocean forest fox farms soil. I kept using fox farms...
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    Help! Dying! Why?

    Please help my plants are dying and i am not sure why? Not looking to get bashed as i am a first time grower but as long as you can help then bash me all you want. I will most certainly learn from it. I can provide any info needed. They are in ocean forest fox farms soil. I kept using fox farms...
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    Help! Dying! Why?

    Please help my plants are dying and i am not sure why? Not looking to get bashed as i am a first time grower but as long as you can help then bash me all you want. I will most certainly learn from it. I can provide any info needed. They are in ocean forest fox farms soil. I kept using fox farms...
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    Please help! Dying!

    help i am not sure why this plant is not growing and looks like it is dying. I am so confused as to what is happening. Someone please help me save it. I can provide information you need.
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    Please look! Help?

    just curious as to if any of these are bad signs and what to do to fix it. My plants have been growing very slow and some of the little ones just are not doing much of anything at all and i has been quite a while... starting to feel they won't get any bigger. Any tips or any idea? Half of them...
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    HELP Grow light was off for 18 hours

    will my plants start budding or can i bring them back to normal light schedule? I accidently left the lights off for 18 hours and the parts where they bud are really green now. Please help. I hope i do not have to bud them.
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    How to raise my ph level? Please help

    how do i raise the ph level in my soil. Just got a tester today and it is reading 4. I do believe it is suppose to be in between 6-7? Please any advice.
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    Is this a sign of to much water? What can i do? Will they be okay? Please help
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    A couple plants are drooping.

    Hello please help i just wanna make sure my baby girls are gonna be alright and if i need to act fast or what to do.