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  1. C

    Stick like buds that don't fatten up just produce lots of leaves

    I’m on to my third grow this year and so far all of the strains I have grown apart from 2 have shown the exactly same problems. The best way to describe the problem is the plants produce lots of leaves and look very healthy both in veg and flowering, no deficiencies showing at all. Once in...
  2. C

    Strange distorted growth on top shoots

    I need some help identifying what the problem is with my 4 plants, the new shoots are distorted and I can see the new shoots are small and the new growth doesn't look right . All in 5 litre fabric pots in pure Canna coco. I was feeding 800 EC of Canna coco, 20 ml Rhyzotonic, 2.5ml per 10 L of a...
  3. C

    Help i'm not sure what this is

    Hi, First time grower in Coco. I'm using Canna coco Pro in 30 Litre fabric post. I'm using Canna coco, Rhizotonic and Coco Cal. I have a 1.2 by 1.2 by 8 foot Gorilla tent with a Adjust awing Avenger shade with 2x Philips CMH bubs. Running a 18 veg cycle during the night with temps from 23-26C. I...