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  1. U

    Is it optimal to harvest my Bubba Kush now

    I see mainly milky and very few amber very few clear. Not to mention the weather is very humid and budrot is a worrying factor currently. Any advice greatly appreciated :)
  2. U

    How far off is my Bubba Kush and blue dream

    Due to the harsh humidity I am facing I would like to harvest asap. Are these girls getting ready and how long would you say. And unfortunately the humidity is around 80 percent right now do I run the risk of budrot and is maybe an early harvest better than a rotten one
  3. U

    Is my Bubba Kush ready

    Hey there so everything is looking milky as all hell would now be the ideal time or should I top the more mature colas and let bottom mature more any advice greatly appreciated this plant is over 6 months old lol started in march oh the third pic is a blue dream clone that's starting to amber...