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  1. blazinblunts

    What Bud is Best for me ???

    so there i was working at my job just came back from break smoked a jay and went in side and realized i didnt want to work no more. Realizing that tha bud was apperently an indaca strong strain ( just swag so nothin big). i am wanting a strong sativa strain to grow but i am not sure what to try...
  2. blazinblunts

    sorry so long please help before may 11th

    thanks bud but hey i got raided well first ima let everyone know that i live in a 5 adault and 4 child home and bout 10 animals 1 that is mine we moved to this area to get ahead you know i started growing again up here in this town (note i WILL NOT give any info beside that i live in the u s and...
  3. blazinblunts

    my first indo indoors

    :blsmoke:this will be my first grow indoors. i have chosin to use miricale potting soil(just the regular stuff) and for plant food i have worked wit azalea camellia rhododendron miracle gro 30-10-10 for veg. For flowerin i am using all purpose plant food 24-8-16, shcultz liquid plant food plus...
  4. blazinblunts

    Ideas of the flowering stage

    Ive had this antagonizing thought in the back of my mind and even dream about it. Okay, has anyone ever heard of THC pills? what if you were to dessolve 2 or 3 of them in a gal of water and the water your plants in the last few weeks of flowering would there be any advantages:?: what would be...
  5. blazinblunts

    help me wtf is going on, this f'ing aero garden bullsh*t

    okay so i got the aerogarden 3 pod and germinated some seeds planted them in the aerogarden took a 2 day trip came back to nute burn from the nutes that were supplied with the aerogarden got 1 out of 3 back but now it is short and growing all wierd i got a couple of round leaves and the rest...