Search results for query: CORRUPT

  1. cannabineer


    Mitch el Angle-o the Teenage Mutant Ninja Fascist has quietly and consistently aided and abetted the overthrow faction. This turgid statement means he is aware that the lot of them are next.
  2. BudmanTX


    so much for the party of law and just went
  3. Fogdog


    ...New York Rep. Elise Stefanik, the No. 3 Republican in the House, also made the unfounded claim that the trial outcome is a sign of a "corrupt and rigged" justice system. "I fully support President Trump appealing this decision and look forward to the New York Court of Appeals delivering...
  4. cannabineer


    I’m something of a pessimist, but I think you got me beat.
  5. H G Griffin


    Yup, small irrelevant moves, while Cannon and the horrifically corrupt Supreme Court make the ones that matter. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled that he's a felon. I just hope it's not too little, too late.
  6. Sativied

    Right wing nuts worldwide.

    Change of plans, it’s not going to be Plasterk. He sort of recused himself, after (false) accusations of corruption and the impression of impartiality. Instead, it’s going to be the head of the CIA. Well, the dutch equivalent that is. Former head of IND (decides which immigrant gets to stay and...
  7. C


    I agree,however it still seems petty and inconsequential considering the array of malice on the National Sec. and Constitutional issues as this guy has used his pecker to piss all over what are country is built on in the 3 other cases,acts which prior to his sorry ass coming into politics would...
  8. C


    I sure hope so C,best hope is changing demographics make this one last hurrah for white haters whose forebearers came here to escape tyranny,aristocracy,or better life in general and now want to change the game to keep diff. ethnicities out which is nuts as immigrants bring energy/hunger to...
  9. cannabineer


    Strictly speaking, it wasn’t the bj that landed Clinton in trouble. It was lying to Congress about it. Now, lying to Congress about (you name it) is the new normal.
  10. OldMedUser


    ...over a lousy blowjob. Their destruction of the people's faith in the judicial system to protect their orange messiah is another sign of how corrupt the party has become. As much as I hate to think it my money is on a hung jury which will be used to falsely claim that tRump is innocent. :peace:
  11. cannabineer


    My hope, and I only give it fifty-fifty, is that this exposure of corruption permeating the judicial branch will not go unaddressed. Much bias toward enabling the minority-rule insurgents has been exposed. The people are watching. I cannot but hope they will see a housecleaning — and a move...
  12. Fogdog

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    ...three things… guide everything that I do in a leadership role in the State of Missouri.” Scharf hammered what he believes to be a “culture of corruption” in Jefferson City that needs to be rooted out and held accountable. He also highlighted his work as an attorney for Trump in various legal...
  13. Fogdog

    Legal woes of That Man’s associates

    Wrong thread. Maybe you are trying to make a point if so, think again. Democrats have enough legal corruption to clean up, though nothing like Republicans, who through illegal corruption are attempting to expand the limits of what is considered acceptable, even if it is illegal. The detail...
  14. cannabineer


    Looking at the elections of the last decade — especially in the states not on a coast — intelligent, reasonable people are in insufficient supply. With the other trials shunted onto sidelines for the duration, Merchan knows he must not fumble the ball or get sacked by a shockingly resilient...
  15. H G Griffin


    ...attempts to pervert justice. Fines have shown to be an insufficient deterrent and he cannot be allowed to intimidate witnesses and otherwise corrupt the proceedings. Intelligent, reasonable people can clearly see that. Trump voters "minds" are already made up so it's irrelevant. They don't...
  16. Fogdog

    Supreme Court Anyone?

    Judges look for contrition and acceptance of guilt when setting sentences. What Thomas is doing should cause consideration of removal from office. He knows what he did. He simply refuses to admit he was wrong. That's not who we want on the SCOTUS. Just another whacko extremist right wing...
  17. cannabineer

    Supreme Court Anyone?

    Like, perhaps, he is a corrupt moral coward in the pocket of Heritage Foundation billionaires married to an unmitigated seditionist? It is to say hmmm.
  18. hanimmal

    The Long March to 11/24

    "Quick manufacture a national crisis that we actively cause (state Republicans not putting Biden on the ballot) and use our government resources to help set up a 'both sides' troll because to deflect from our being co-opted by Putin"
  19. cannabineer

    The Long March to 11/24

    ...god-emperor’s efforts to bribestort dirt on his political opponents out of Ukraine. (and continue to downplay their recorded instances of big corruption while trying to impeach Mayorkas and Hunter on smoke-and-mirrors, or even absent, charges.) Meanwhile, Gan the Chancre continues to pursue...
  20. Fogdog

    The Long March to 11/24

    ...coming to the US from Swiss lower income family. Given the tolerance Republicans have accepting donations and leadership from from outright corrupt criminals, the Ohio Republican's rhetoric about "international funds" is laughable. The source of their complaint is the embarrassment Ohio GOP...