Search results for query: Solo Cup

  1. Kushash

    Light Warrior soil question..

    ...dressings of dry fertilizers that take time to feed the soil. I prefer something like 1 - 1 1/2 tsp of fox farm marine cuisine 10-7-7 for a solo cup. Liquid nutes work faster. If it was me and the seedling was healthy and dark green I'd probably wait for the 1st sign of it needing food. Some...
  2. hoodzy420

    Light Warrior soil question..

    yeah one of my seedlings is in 50/50 FFOF and Light Warrior mixed and 1 is just light warrior and extra great white myco mixed in.. I planted on the 7th it sprouted on the 8th should i feed it on the 13/14th? also I dont currently have a 1gal to put it in so should i just give it light feeding...
  3. Kushash

    Light Warrior soil question..

    It has very little food compared to ocean forest and if left in a solo cup it would need to be fed after 5-7 days. When I used it to germinate, I preferred to pot up with something like ocean forest after 7 days from sprout to a 1-gal pot instead of feeding.
  4. Hook Daddy

    Pot without drain holes

    Using fabric pots in a tray and bottom watering is a form of sip or perhaps just bottom watering, and yes it can work. I believe the important part will be to empty the tray of water once the soil is wet or you may end up with root issues, kind of a combination flood and drain/bottom watering.
  5. TCH

    Pot without drain holes

    I understand being anxious and ready to jump the gun. We've all done it. Unfortunately, putting the cart before the horse rarely works out. Practice patience and hopefully it all works out for ya!! Good luck!!
  6. S

    Pot without drain holes

    I should have clarified, what I plan to do when the setup is ready, is using "solo cup" sized fabric pots (more like 2 liter ones) on a big ass tray, in order to avoid root rot and rootbound, and when they get big enough for watering to be a problem, just "flood" the tray and letting them drink...
  7. weedstoner420

    Pot without drain holes $1.08. Can hold 4 solo cups.
  8. TCH

    Pot without drain holes

    Can it be done? Yes. Is it worth the hassle? Not really Is it worth the hassle in a SOG with small containers such as solo cups? Not a chance I have a couple pepper plants in a window sill that are in pots that do not have drainage. They spent the first year of their life growing in beer...
  9. Nutty sKunK

    Pot without drain holes

    So you’re gonna start a SOG with just solo cups? Thats gonna be a crazy amount of work keeping them healthy and watered correctly. Usually with potted plants once they dry a little water will find channels to run down quickly and hit the bottom. Can be avoided by giving a little at a time so...
  10. S

    Pot without drain holes

    ...proper fabric pots in around a month or so, but for now it's not viable for me to even have a bit of runoff, I will do a SOG setup with many solo cups could it work if I didn't water them enough to even have water collecting at the bottom? Like in a 2 liter plastic pot just provide around...
  11. S

    How do I start an autoflower grow in solo cups with coco?

    So I've done a trial attempt, and mixed a tiny fresh batch of my usual canna coco/perlite substrate. Filled it into one of my solo cups, and measured the runoff. I used my seedling solution of 0.548EC, and watered the cup til runoff. At first, some dusty water came out, around 10ml, and then...
  12. Tolerance Break

    World Of Hempy

    I don't find mixing ratios of different substrates particularly complicated. I know hempy mixed perilite/vermiculite for his buckets, but I've seen people use straight perilite and coco/perilite as well with success, but there's not a whole lot of info as to what benefits/complications different...
  13. chuckeye

    World Of Hempy

    Why complicate it ? Go with straight perlite.. The only thing I do differently is start the germinated seed in a solo cup of ProMix HP, then transplant into perlite Cheers
  14. Fluffy Butt

    How do I start an autoflower grow in solo cups with coco?

    ...until the roots get established. Give this a try with tomato seeds if you need more fodder to iron out your method. I'd make sure your holes are big enough in your solo cup as well, but it sounds like you didn't rinse your coir and aren't watering to runoff, which I'd imagine is your problem.
  15. E

    How do I start an autoflower grow in solo cups with coco?

    Coco is essentially hydroponic. Overwatering isn't from too much water; it's from too little oxygen. In DWC, the roots are 100% in water 100% of the time. It's the bubbling of the water that allows oxygen to roots. In coco, it's the fibrous coco and/or perlite that allows oxygen to the...
  16. S

    How do I start an autoflower grow in solo cups with coco?

    ...drooping unless I let them dry out fully, which in return caused burns on them. It was straight up a circle of hell. I usually fill my solo cups just with the coco perlite mixture, and that's it. No compacting, no heavy watering with a watering can, I use syringes to water small solocups...
  17. E

    How do I start an autoflower grow in solo cups with coco?

    ...- I just start right in coco. Like, everything and every step needs to be inspected. Something like how someone packs the coco into the solo cup could be wrong. For example, packing it down tightly would not give the seedling enough oxygen, or something like not sifting out much of the...
  18. S

    How do I start an autoflower grow in solo cups with coco?

    Hey guys, I just can't get seedlings to grow nicely in solo cups with coco/perlite, and Canna A+B. It just never works, I kill one seedling after another with severe overwatering symptoms. Droopy leaves, brown spots everywhere, seedlings turning pale yellow, just typical for "too much water"...
  19. medidedicated

    Exausting outside of grow room

    ...too hard. I was going to see if 1.8ec the same strain im working with as clones feeding off main reservoir until it acts up. I did an auto solo cup grow 1.1 ec that was fine but then lost all leafs after mid flower. Whats an example ec you think it could go as low as? Something id need RO...
  20. Drop That Sound

    Exausting outside of grow room

    ...the particular strain, etc.. I never grown autos before either, not that it even matters.. I def don't recommend multi hydro fed tiny little solo cup container grows though, lol. All I can really say, is salt buildup seems way more of a problem with smaller pots, especially using dry salt...