Search results for query: school voucher

  1. hanimmal

    Conservatives programed to trigger at words "Black Lives Matter" by Russian trolls.

    A really good story out of Texas about a radicalized zealot running for office and realizing that when she got to work that it was all bullshit:
  2. cannabineer

    Fascism and the Republican Party

    Hayek wrote “The Road to Serfdom” during the Second World War. He was living in England, after emigrating from Austria to take a position at the London School of Economics, and his book came out there in 1944. If you were looking back at recent world history in 1944, what would you see? A...
  3. Herb & Suds

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership

    That is a great avatar for Halloween
  4. Bagginski

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership the US (black edition) After the Brown decision in ‘56 we saw a wave of tax refusers, school-system closures & the innovation of ‘school vouchers’ - state-funded tuition for white, Christian private schools. Almost EVERY wrong-wing economic policy/position from Ludwig von Mises to Milton...
  5. Roger A. Shrubber

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership

    i'd take him over our bought and paid for big business ass kisser magat fuck 8 days a week.
  6. Bagginski

    The Confederacy, the “Lost Cause”, our current moment

    I’ve said it so often: slavery - as brought here from Barbados and practiced here - is our nation’s original sin. Espousing freedom and liberty on the back of chattel slavery from the very beginning, a condition little better than livestock, has been warping who we are as people and as a...
  7. captainmorgan

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

    States run by the treasonous GOP are now going to kill public education and make schooling a complete voucher program, not just a option. They want to funnel tax payer money into religious schools to brainwash the children and make them more compliant.
  8. hanimmal

    Conservatives programed to trigger at words "Black Lives Matter" by Russian trolls.

    Ah, but then they are on to the next (and most important to the right wing propagandists like DeVos) part of this troll, the idiots who believe this nonsense take their kids out of school, because they are programmed into thinking they are indoctrinating them, for homeschooling or use 'vouchers'...
  9. Bagginski

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

    ...lit them right the fuck up. Interestingly, Virginia decided it would be better to CLOSE THE SCHOOLS, and use TAX MONEY to hand out school vouchers for *private* (and exclusively *christian*) schools, so their precious angels wouldn’t have their precious bodily fluids assaulted by the...
  10. hanimmal

    Another Republican President, Another Recession.

    Republicans stopping 90k people from being able to access Medicare and blocking the legalization of marijuana in Wisconsin. Why do people still vote these idiots Republican trolls into office?
  11. Fogdog

    Public School refund check

    Isn't it interesting how Republicans who have been cutting funding for schools, trying to move public money to fund private schools and trying to break school teacher unions are now so concerned about keeping schools open that they would fan the flames of an epidemic? How did Trump do regarding...
  12. Bagginski

    Biden Shanked The Progs

    I agree that Obama being elected in ‘08 was a huge (imaginary) insult to everyone who was raised to ‘never call a [black man] “SIR!” ‘. Much of what we see happening these last four years, and for the eight Obama years, had been building in preparation, but Obama in the White House made the red...
  13. UncleBuck

    Booming economy. Winning!

    What wall?
  14. hanimmal

    Booming economy. Winning!

    Memes are rarely useful unless you Trump/Foreign Trolls go full idiot. Sancuarty cities, wall, all of that is the racist propaganda that is being used to sell their agenda as logical to people that are too quick to buy into it without really knowing shit about it.
  15. kgp

    Booming economy. Winning!

    Im pretty sure it was your meme of a desert with child like looking wall drew in it that I was replying to. Here was my reply: Could give a fuck about how many people show up, what shape he is in. Build the fucking wall. A country without borders is not a country. Or even better than a wall...
  16. hanimmal

    Booming economy. Winning!

    I guess the point that as long as he keeps saying how great everything is you guys just suck it up like kool aid. Since Accosta had to leave, you really think you should trust the numbers coming out of the Department of labor in the Trump administration? I see a huge downward revision that...
  17. kgp

    Booming economy. Winning!

    Could give a fuck about how many people show up, what shape he is in. Build the fucking wall. A country without borders is not a country. Or even better than a wall, deport them. Cut off everything. All healthcare, all schooling, all food vouchers, and housing credits. Lock anyone up who goes...
  18. ttystikk

    Political science experiment: Can politics be discussed without resorting to personal attacks?

    "Dear American conservative; you've been had" You've been duped into believing that corporations deserve to control the country, that the wealthy are more qualified to act in your interests, that the essential conflicts in politics are centered around abortion rights, gun laws and religious...
  19. Fogdog

    Political science experiment: Can politics be discussed without resorting to personal attacks?

    You completely swallowed the false news story about the murdered tech who worked for Clinton. I'm not convinced you should be allowed to vote.