things i have learned from republicans this week


Well-Known Member
just a wrap up...

*forest fires cause global warming, which is not happening. the earth is cooling.

*public education is comparable to being sold away from your family as a child slave.

*GOP leaders were not invited to the 50th anniversary of the march on washington.

*alberta is located domestically, within the united states.

*50 cal sniper rifles have civilian uses.

*global warming is maybe caused by the radiant heat of 7 billion human bodies.

*the 50th anniversary of the march on washington is comparable to a ku klux klan rally.

*white privilege does not exist in stockton, CA.

El Tiberon

Active Member
just a wrap up...

*forest fires cause global warming, which is not happening. the earth is cooling.

*public education is comparable to being sold away from your family as a child slave.

*GOP leaders were not invited to the 50th anniversary of the march on washington.

*alberta is located domestically, within the united states.

*50 cal sniper rifles have civilian uses.

*global warming is maybe caused by the radiant heat of 7 billion human bodies.

*the 50th anniversary of the march on washington is comparable to a ku klux klan rally.

*white privilege does not exist in stockton, CA.
They also support a heavily militarized police force. Perhaps they are the people who snitched and reported their neighbors under the USSR regime.

Yesterday martial law was declared in Bogota because the police were over run by citizens protesting in support of the poor farmers. There was not a conservative anywhere on the street protesting against them because they would have been killed.

This is what conservatives will face when they finally push things too far. Death at the hands of the angry mob.




Well-Known Member
Most conservatives own guns. This is not some third world country where the only resources people have are tuna and flip flops.

El Tiberon

Active Member
Most conservatives own guns. This is not some third world country where the only resources people have are tuna and flip flops.
Guns dont help when your house is set on fire from all four sides and you are inside it. Do they help you when your family is taken instead and executed on the street in front of your house? Eventually you will need food and water. It is a simple waiting game. You would lose 100% of the time no matter the amount of weapons you have. Your weapons did not help you wind Iraq and Afghanistan did they? You got your monkey ass kicked by 2 global south countries and only caused a power vacuum. Your guns dont scare anyone. Do you think your are the only one with them? The people of Bogota were tossing live grenades and shooting police. You cowards would never grow enough ballsack to do something like that. You would roll over and let someone fuck you in the ass first.

El Tiberon

Active Member
No, that is what American drug users smoke. In Colombia the addicts smoke basuco which is made from pure coca paste. Much stronger than you weak gringos can handle.


Well-Known Member
No, that is what American drug users smoke. In Colombia the addicts smoke basuco which is made from pure coca paste. Much stronger than you weak gringos can handle.
Ok. So then you're a racist. That explains a lot about you. Thanks for clearing things up.


Well-Known Member
I will accept that label. I will also dance when we breed you lily white devils off this planet. There is nothing you can do to stop this from happening.
You're going strait to ethnic cleansing now? You're like a Hispanic Hitler. Should we start with the Jews, or does it not really matter? If I get a dark tan and turn an olive complection, could I go to the back of the line? How dark does my skin need to be exactly? George Zimmerman is part Hispanic, but people still call him white. What is the exact ratio of white that is acceptable to you? Obama is half white. Does that make him a honky tonk redneck?

El Tiberon

Active Member
You are the neanderthal of the modern age. A race that is meant to be bred out. Only the strong survive on this planet and you are slowly disappearing and will soon be gone. It is not your fault that yo are weak. It is genetics and you can not control that. Be a man and accept your fate. Viva La Raza!


Well-Known Member
Is that why Mexico owns Texas? Oh wait...

The white man invented the plane, train, and automobiles. This is not a world of race. We are built up of nation's. And what planet did you just come from thinking you are going to take over the world? You are dreaming. Its all imaginary. But it keeps the hate alive. If La Raza can keep you angry and ignorant, then you will stay racist and distracted forever.

El Tiberon

Active Member
The brown man will own this planet by year 2200 and your people will be close to extinction. The Muslims will handle the Jews. The Mexicans will handle the white gringos. Before you are even dead, you will see yourself as a minority in your own country. This will be the beginning of your end. Your politicians will not be able to be elected because Latinos will have their seats. Your attempts to prevent Latino progress will cease and desist and laws will be made that benefit the new majority. We learned these lessons from you white boy and payback is a bitch.

Soon your descendants will be mowing the lawns of the brown man. Your women will clean out homes. She will give her pussy away freely in the hopes of a better life and then be home to you. Your children will be beaten every day in school while they are growing up. The ghettos will become filled with the lily white peoples. You will learn what repression is about and how it feels to be persecuted and stepped on for the color of your skin.


Well-Known Member
Where he is going with this Kelly is...The Spanish raped Native American women and that is why most Mexicans have Spanish blood in them. El Tiburon is trying to take it back 200 years, while at the same time make predictions about what will come long after he is dead in 2200. I personally don't understand the logic behind anything he has been posting. But I guess that is why it is called "ideology".

El Tiberon

Active Member
When you become a minority, your women will come to those in power. I will not be alive in those days and my personal feelings of disgust with white women are not the opinions of other men. From what I understand, the Africans in your country love to make babies with white women. I think they are doing a very good job breeding you out without the help of la raza at this point. The job of la raza is to exceed your numbers and take over your democracy and remove you from having a voice in politics.


New Member
I will accept that label. I will also dance when we breed you lily white devils off this planet. There is nothing you can do to stop this from happening.
really? Tell me how that has worked out for you so far? white man still got you living in squalor in the 3rd world narco shithole and that isn't changing anytime soon el cabron