Ron Paul is my pick (so far)


Well-Known Member
So are you a Dr. or just a little slow? I thought college was for 4 years with 2 more for a masters, and 2 more for a doctorate, and what are the last 2 for, med school? What charity gives a hand up? Aren't all charities a hand out. A hand up is like a grant for college or a Headstart program for pre-school kids that has proven to be very effective, The GI bill that helped me buy my first house was a hand up. Any scholarship programs are a hand up. Food stamps that make sure people have enough to eat are a hand up as the hungry can't focus on anything but food. Did you get a hand up with your college or was it a gift from your parents. It's like most young people don't have 10 years to give to their education as making a living becomes paramount, and without parental help (Rich Kids), they have to go out and get a job. It seems to me that wealthy people scorn the poor as much as the poor scorn the rich. Maybe a division of the wealth is not such a bad Idea, ~LOL~, I'm sure you'll see it differently
B.S. Political Science from Duke University 4 years
M.S. Political Science from Duke University 2 years
Ph.D. Political Science From Georgetown University 2 years
And so far 2 years at Cornell University Law School - which I'm kinda leaning towards International Law

See my grandfather told me one day I could be President of the United States. So I've tried to learn everything I possibly can about this country and how the political process runs.

And my parents gave me nothing. My grandfather gave me 250 acres of land when I was 12. When I turned 18 I sold the land for 10,000.00 per acre. Some idiot plastic surgeon from Florida wanting to retire to mountains on Georgia/North Carolina border. And I've never scorned anybody if they were willing to work for it. No matter if they were rich or poor. And I'm not really rich. Now Bill Gates, Donald Trump, and Oprah, now that is rich. And a division of assets wouldn't really work. Take a look at the Soviet Union, they took all monies and split them evenly with everyone. Didn't last long, for the simple reason if you work or not you still got your share. Sooner or later we would all be waiting in line for things just like they were. On a first come, first serve basis.


New Member
B.S. Political Science from Duke University 4 years
M.S. Political Science from Duke University 2 years
Ph.D. Political Science From Georgetown University 2 years
And so far 2 years at Cornell University Law School - which I'm kinda leaning towards International Law

See my grandfather told me one day I could be President of the United States. So I've tried to learn everything I possibly can about this country and how the political process runs.

And my parents gave me nothing. My grandfather gave me 250 acres of land when I was 12. When I turned 18 I sold the land for 10,000.00 per acre. Some idiot plastic surgeon from Florida wanting to retire to mountains on Georgia/North Carolina border. And I've never scorned anybody if they were willing to work for it. No matter if they were rich or poor. And I'm not really rich. Now Bill Gates, Donald Trump, and Oprah, now that is rich. And a division of assets wouldn't really work. Take a look at the Soviet Union, they took all monies and split them evenly with everyone. Didn't last long, for the simple reason if you work or not you still got your share. Sooner or later we would all be waiting in line for things just like they were. On a first come, first serve basis.
Well, I suppose if my grandfather had given me 2.5 million bucks at 18, I could have afforded myself an education also, but you see, I never got one thin dime from my relatives and still managed to put myself through two years of college while working two jobs and supporting a family. The problem is I'm only smart at night because I had to go to night school. So if you think I have respect for your handed down education, you're mistaken. Have you ever heard the expression "educated fools from uneducated schools"? I have learned politics from life. I might not be able to quote the constitution, but I know right from wrong. And if you support the current government and it's devilish ways, then you are wrong.


Well-Known Member
Well, I suppose if my grandfather had given me 2.5 million bucks at 18, I could have afforded myself an education also, but you see, I never got one thin dime from my relatives and still managed to put myself through two years of college while working two jobs and supporting a family. The problem is I'm only smart at night because I had to go to night school. So if you think I have respect for your handed down education, you're mistaken. Have you ever heard the expression "educated fools from uneducated schools"? I have learned politics from life. I might not be able to quote the constitution, but I know right from wrong. And if you support the current government and it's devilish ways, then you are wrong.

Actually until some doctor came and offered to pay 10 million for 100 acres next to mine, the land was only worth 175.00 per acre. I just saw an opportunity to sell for a lot more when that happened. Does that make it wrong for me to see an opportunity I could go to a good college and receive the education that I wanted. Unlike most of my family who work on farms, I wanted the education that I have. Yes I have heard the expression, but I don't see how it applies to me. And I've learned politics from volunteering at 16 on the Reagan re-election campaign. Working for pay on the Clinton election and re-election campaigns. Plus working for pay on 2 governors campaigns. Then there is my current job working in D.C. Plus my grandfather cutting my hand and placing it on a lexan covered copy of the Constitution and swearing an oath to defend the document with my life if I have to. Plus I have never said that I supported the current government. But even if I did, how would that make me wrong?


New Member
420 ...

You definitely have my respect, Bro ... hands down.

Med ...

You need to do some real soul searching and try to discover why you have such a hard time with the successes of others.



Well-Known Member
420 ...

You definitely have my respect, Bro ... hands down.

Med ...

You need to do some real soul searching and try to discover why you have such a hard time with the successes of others.

only because he is lockstep with you vi....


Well-Known Member
420, you may have all the political science education but it is Conservative Ideology that has put us into the mess that we are in now. We have bridges in dire need of repair because of Conservative Budget cuts, we have an aging electrical grid that badly needs updating... and the Conservative answer is Privatize it... Well one thing that those who keep saying privatize it don't take into account is that they are going to satisfy the stock holders and maximize the profits for them before they will do anything to fix what is broken. They cut corners.

For someone who has a PhD in Political Science you sure seem to have some really antiquated political views and are really out of touch with reality when it come to what going on in the country.

If you know anything, Political Science 101 teaches that Absolute power corrupts absolutely. That is why all those republicans were voted out of office last election cycle.

But this thread is about Ron Paul, I will state as I have before... He stands a snow balls chance in hell of getting the nomination much less winning the election.

Also you will never be president either...


Well-Known Member
With the support he's recieved in such a short amount of time, I think he's got a shot at getting the nom. He's got a long time yet before the primaries to gain even more momentum from these debates. I still talk to people daily who don't have a clue who he is. I think once people hear his message of Liberty and freedom, they will see the light.


Well-Known Member
420, you may have all the political science education but it is Conservative Ideology that has put us into the mess that we are in now. We have bridges in dire need of repair because of Conservative Budget cuts, we have an aging electrical grid that badly needs updating... and the Conservative answer is Privatize it... Well one thing that those who keep saying privatize it don't take into account is that they are going to satisfy the stock holders and maximize the profits for them before they will do anything to fix what is broken. They cut corners.

For someone who has a PhD in Political Science you sure seem to have some really antiquated political views and are really out of touch with reality when it come to what going on in the country.

If you know anything, Political Science 101 teaches that Absolute power corrupts absolutely. That is why all those republicans were voted out of office last election cycle.

But this thread is about Ron Paul, I will state as I have before... He stands a snow balls chance in hell of getting the nomination much less winning the election.

Also you will never be president either...
Funny how the Democrats have controlled this country throughout the '90s and nothing was done about bridges then. And in Minnesota before this Republican governor they had Jesse Ventura. Why didn't he do anything about the bridges? And what happened to all that gas tax we've been paying since the '80s under Reagan that was suppose to pay for bridges and roads? The electrical grid didn't get repaired during the '90s either. Since it was Clinton who vetoed several bills to build nuclear power plants that would have helped the energy grids. And most problems with California's power can be traced to Ross Perot and he's not Republican, an idiot maybe, but not Republican.

So the fact that I believe in the Constitution is an antiquated idea. Or, is it the fact that I believe you should work for what you get and not be given free handouts. Or is it because I believe as Jefferson did. That the Federal Government should have limited control on a citizens daily lives. You know what is funny, the Constitution is the perfect document. Its an imperfect document that started an imperfect country. And the fact that I believe the Constitution using the Electorial College to elect a president. Are these the reasons that I have aniquated ideas?

No the Republicans were voted out of office by people who bought into the Democrats lies about saving the country. About pulling soldiers out of the war in Iraq. About ending places like Gitmo's non-combatant prisons. About doing away with the Patriot Act. And so people bought into their idiotic lies. And when they took office, nothing they have said they were going to do has been done. I wonder why that is considering they have enough votes in both houses of Congress to have a 2/3 majority.

And you are right. He doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell. I think I've said that in several places already.

And since you have no clue who I am. Then don't make a statement that I will never be president. How do you know that I haven't already been president? Or that I'm not one of the candidates trying to win nomination to run for president?


Well-Known Member
With the support he's recieved in such a short amount of time, I think he's got a shot at getting the nom. He's got a long time yet before the primaries to gain even more momentum from these debates. I still talk to people daily who don't have a clue who he is. I think once people hear his message of Liberty and freedom, they will see the light.

And if he wins the nominations do you think he will be any different in Washington D.C.? If he doesn't win the nomination, all those millions he raked in he will get to pocket. Do you think he would give the money back.

Okay now dank its time for you to step in now about Liberty and Freedom and say that these are antiquated ideals.


Well-Known Member
No The Conservatives have been pissing on the cosntitution for the last decade.
So during the '90s when the Democrats done it, that was okay. Does Waco and Ruby Ridge ring a bell with you? And what evidence do you have to support that they have been pissing on the constitution. And I don't mean opinions, or news reporters comments, I want hard factual evidence. That the Republicans have done this.


Well-Known Member
And if he wins the nominations do you think he will be any different in Washington D.C.? If he doesn't win the nomination, all those millions he raked in he will get to pocket. Do you think he would give the money back.

Okay now dank its time for you to step in now about Liberty and Freedom and say that these are antiquated ideals.
Yeah you know 420, I think Ron Paul would do the right thing in both situations, but that's just me.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you know 420, I think Ron Paul would do the right thing in both situations, but that's just me.

Yeah I'd like to think the best about a candidate as well. But everybody that has run for president in my lifetime and not even received the nomination just kept the money. And with his ideas and stances on major issues, I don't think anybody in Washington would help him accomplish anything if he did get there.

Take a close look next time a person in your state runs for Senate or the House of Representatives. Make sure to listen to every campaign promise carefully. Then after they have been there 1 year go to the website for the Senate or House of Rep., whichever one he is. Then look at all votes he has participated in. Then look at all the bills that he sponsored or co-sponsored. I bet you will find only about 1% of what his promises were. Then when his/her 2 or 6 years are up and they come back for re-election then look at the campaign promises. Also ask about the past promises that haven't been fufilled yet. You will hear the candidate say that is why they need to be re-elected so they can fufill all campaign promises to you and keep fighting for all citizens of their state.


Well-Known Member
So during the '90s when the Democrats done it, that was okay. Does Waco and Ruby Ridge ring a bell with you? And what evidence do you have to support that they have been pissing on the constitution. And I don't mean opinions, or news reporters comments, I want hard factual evidence. That the Republicans have done this.
Your mistake is thinking I'm a democrat, I'm independent. I hold both parties in Equal disdain.

The republicans have had the congress and senate since 1994.... The Real power is in the legislative branch. The Executive branch has overstepped their bounds during this administration. I'm not giving the Clinton Administration pass when it comes to dealing with domestic problems, although I believe had Katrina had happened during his administration things would have been a lot different. (sometimes throwing money at the problem is the right thing to do)
You want evidence of pissing on the Constitution, look no further than the Patriot Act. The patriot act violates 6 amendments of the constitution that I can think of off the top of my head.

On other matters. here you go.....

There were a couple of attempts going on to prevent the federal courts from being able to review any laws dealing with particular issues. Tired of the courts striking down violations of the Constitution, some Republicans don't want the courts to have any say at all anymore. These aren't conservative Republicans, these are radical Republicans advocating lawlessness.

If Congress has the authority to tell the Supreme Court that certain issues are off-limits, it would give legislators a free hand to do whatever they wished, without worrying about whether it violated the Constitution. The whole idea of a separation of powers could be rendered null and void if that happened.

And unfortunately, it could. The provision in question, Article III, Section 2, gives the federal courts the power to decide a broad range of cases, including challenges to the constitutionality of federal laws. However, it also grants the courts that power "with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make."

Theoretically, that allows Congress to pass a law -- say, making it a felony to criticize members of Congress -- and then forbid the courts to review such a law. It could allow government to tap our phones without a warrant, or toss dissidents into prison without trial, and refuse to allow the courts to intervene.

That's why the provision has remained obscure and largely untested. Previous generations of politicians, even in the heat of intense battle, have understood and respected the potential damage it could do. They saw it as a Pandora's box that once opened could threaten not just our constitutional liberties but the whole concept of a balance of powers among the judicial, legislative and executive branches.

BTW, I thought you were studying law, it seems that I may have a good understanding of the constitution as well. :rolleyes:


New Member
420 SAYS ............."Or, is it the fact that I believe you should work for what you get and not be given free handouts."................So what do you call being handed 2.5 million @ 18 years of age, working for a living. You are Pathetic. If you want to see working for a living, climb down out of your ivory tower and go watch some real workers that work for minimum wage, and try and support a family by working two jobs. You elitests are sickening. I'll bet you have never done an honest days work in your entire life. Talk to the hand.


Well-Known Member
Your mistake is thinking I'm a democrat, I'm independent. I hold both parties in Equal disdain.

The republicans have had the congress and senate since 1994.... The Real power is in the legislative branch. The Executive branch has overstepped their bounds during this administration. I'm not giving the Clinton Administration pass when it comes to dealing with domestic problems, although I believe had Katrina had happened during his administration things would have been a lot different. (sometimes throwing money at the problem is the right thing to do)
You want evidence of pissing on the Constitution, look no further than the Patriot Act. The patriot act violates 6 amendments of the constitution that I can think of off the top of my head.

On other matters. here you go.....

There were a couple of attempts going on to prevent the federal courts from being able to review any laws dealing with particular issues. Tired of the courts striking down violations of the Constitution, some Republicans don't want the courts to have any say at all anymore. These aren't conservative Republicans, these are radical Republicans advocating lawlessness.

If Congress has the authority to tell the Supreme Court that certain issues are off-limits, it would give legislators a free hand to do whatever they wished, without worrying about whether it violated the Constitution. The whole idea of a separation of powers could be rendered null and void if that happened.

And unfortunately, it could. The provision in question, Article III, Section 2, gives the federal courts the power to decide a broad range of cases, including challenges to the constitutionality of federal laws. However, it also grants the courts that power "with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make."

Theoretically, that allows Congress to pass a law -- say, making it a felony to criticize members of Congress -- and then forbid the courts to review such a law. It could allow government to tap our phones without a warrant, or toss dissidents into prison without trial, and refuse to allow the courts to intervene.

That's why the provision has remained obscure and largely untested. Previous generations of politicians, even in the heat of intense battle, have understood and respected the potential damage it could do. They saw it as a Pandora's box that once opened could threaten not just our constitutional liberties but the whole concept of a balance of powers among the judicial, legislative and executive branches.

BTW, I thought you were studying law, it seems that I may have a good understanding of the constitution as well. :rolleyes:
Nice parroting of a news article from this link...
The Lawless Republican Congress

From Austin Cline,
Your Guide to Agnosticism / Atheism.
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The Lawless Republican Congress

There are a couple of attempts going on to prevent the federal courts from being able to review any laws dealing with particular issues. Tired of the courts striking down violations of the Constitution, some Republicans don't want the courts to have any say at all anymore. These aren't conservative Republicans, these are radical Republicans advocating lawlessness. Writing for BuzzFlash, Maureen Farrell quotes Jay Bookman:
If Congress has the authority to tell the Supreme Court that certain issues are off-limits, it would give legislators a free hand to do whatever they wished, without worrying about whether it violated the Constitution. The whole idea of a separation of powers could be rendered null and void if that happened.
And unfortunately, it could. The provision in question, Article III, Section 2, gives the federal courts the power to decide a broad range of cases, including challenges to the constitutionality of federal laws. However, it also grants the courts that power "with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make."
Theoretically, that allows Congress to pass a law -- say, making it a felony to criticize members of Congress -- and then forbid the courts to review such a law. It could pass a law making Christianity the national religion, and bar the courts from hearing a challenge. It could allow government to tap our phones without a warrant, or toss dissidents into prison without trial, and refuse to allow the courts to intervene.
That's why the provision has remained obscure and largely untested. Previous generations of politicians, even in the heat of intense battle, have understood and respected the potential damage it could do. They saw it as a Pandora's box that once opened could threaten not just our constitutional liberties but the whole concept of a balance of powers among the judicial, legislative and executive branches.


All you did was take out the part that is red, underlined, bold and in italics. But that was a nice try though. Wanna try again and this time form your own opinions and not parrot some news report.


Well-Known Member
The Article does post the truth.... Whether you want to admit it or not... The republicans have violated and tried to violate the constitution for the past decade.
By trying to stifle the Courts the republicans did violate the constitution.


Well-Known Member
420 SAYS ............."Or, is it the fact that I believe you should work for what you get and not be given free handouts."................So what do you call being handed 2.5 million @ 18 years of age, working for a living. You are Pathetic. If you want to see working for a living, climb down out of your ivory tower and go watch some real workers that work for minimum wage, and try and support a family by working two jobs. You elitests are sickening. I'll bet you have never done an honest days work in your entire life. Talk to the hand.

I wasn't given that at 18. I was given 250 acres of land worth 175.00 per acre. Thats only 43,000.00 worth of land. Now is it my fault that some idiot with more money than sense came in and made the market price 10,000.00 per acre. I think not. Med I bet you would have sold the land also if you were in that situation. And then you have to remember, that much money puts you in a different tax bracket. The Federal Government took 48% in taxes. Then the state of Georgia took an additional 27%. The did this because it was part of an inheritance from my grandfathers estate. Now take into account over 100,000.00 in money paid to colleges. Now take into account that I had to live and eat. After 10 years and my wifes tuition as well, I had no money. Really, you don't think I've done an honest days work. Funny, I work 18-20 hours a day, 6 days a week. Now I'll admit that I earn a good living. But it just shows ignorance to say that I am an elitist. For your information if I hadn't lucked into an idiot to buy the land. I would probably still be working on a farm.


Well-Known Member
The Article does post the truth.... Whether you want to admit it or not... The republicans have violated and tried to violate the constitution for the past decade.

Guess you forgot the part of my comments that went like this.

And I don't mean opinions, or news reporters comments, I want hard factual evidence. That the Republicans have done this.