Revegging a Pre forced flowered plant


Active Member
This is just an idea which i would like to carry out so i dont waste my time, anyway..... i have an outdoor plant about 31/2 inches tall by the time it gets its full set of fan leaves etc i would like force flower one of the bottom branches so i can sex it before i even comitte all the work required :D so my question is how would i do this pre force flower the bottom branches while letting the others veg and if it is female i want to keep vegging and revegge that particular branch, now how would i do that?

* All help appriciated !!!


Well-Known Member
i would just put it in the ground and hope u get lucky or ive had some luck with leaving them in the shade for like a week or 2 and thay show a few pre flowers but like i said i would just put it in the ground


Well-Known Member
that would be really hard to do with such a small plant, but to do just a single branch, use a black bag to cover the branch and a band aid or something to hold it closed. and you just have to keep it on for 12 hrs so figure out when you sunrise/sunset is and apply as nessesary.


Active Member
hey grower thanks for the help but you obviously didnt read it correctly i said its an idea that will be put into action and its still a seedling so im waiting for it to set more fan leaves, nodes etc and then ill put my technique into play i guess i have no other choice but the shade technique though because in south florida sun the black bag will get to hot i suppose but thanks anyway

any other advice


Well-Known Member
ya i understod all that i still think you should just pop it in the ground. beef her up a bit first u could do the bag thing arnt the mornings a bit cooler u would only need it on for like 3 ta 5 hours a day not enuf for the bag on a bottem branch to get to hot uwill have to c what works for you when you get to that point and then let us know how it worked and how u did it