Outdoor grow how to force flower


Well-Known Member
anyway well i got about 15 plants in the ground and about 4-5 in pots whats the time frame for leaving them outdoor sunrise:6:11 a.m sunset:8:43 p.m

to force flower and how long will it take

also if i do this for say a week or two can i just leave them outdoor after that and will remain flowering or will they revert back to vegetative growth

one more question how old do they have to be to force flower node wise?

feedback is greatly appreciated!!!!!!! thanks

North carolina stand up!


Well-Known Member
Hey what's steamin' abwhite86? Well what i have done myself out here in Cali is that i have forced my May J's @ only 12" before. I don't know how tall your's are,but if they are at least 12" inches tall you can put the ones that are in a pot in a darken area like a closet,but if that's not possible make a covering out of polyethelene material and spay paint the inside black and leave outside white. Cover your May J's every night about 7:00 p.m. and uncover @ 7:00a.m. for two weeks and they will start flowering immediately. Leave the rest up to mother nature to finish them.


Well-Known Member
whats up IGTHY thanks for the reply man. but yea i can bring them indoors thats cool, so do it for two weeks and and theyll remain that way, sweet i appreciate it there about 12" most of them


Well-Known Member
what if i bring them in at 7pm them bring them out at 9pm when its dark that way i dont have to put them back out at 7 am


Well-Known Member
You are going to have to cover and uncover them until the mother nature turns her hours to 12x12.
if ya do it for 2 weeks and then stop they will convert to vegging unless mother natures hours are 12x12


Well-Known Member
thanks but i wasnt gonna cover them just bring em in for the last few hours of sun a day, anyone else with experience know about reverting back to veg. or what please help?


Well-Known Member
Yes I know 100% It will stress them and they could go hermi. Like i said they could go hermie.

Lets say they will not got back to vegging. Then if that were the case then everyone doing it indoors could go 12x12 for 2 weeks and then 24 hrs the rest of the time. But that is not the case.
There is no doubt in my mind what so ever. If the dark to light is not 12x12 outside they will start vegging after ya go 12x12 with them.

Make sense. I know there is alot a bullshit advice on here and i dont blame ya for questioning me.


Well-Known Member
alrite man no disrespect thanks for your advice its greatly appreciated thanks for filling me in, it makes sense !!!


Well-Known Member
some strains will stay in flower. most will revert back to veg. you can bring them in for a couple hours in the evening then put them back out once it's dark out. whatever it takes to get them 12 hours of dark a day should work.

i put a lot of plants out early this year. some started to flower because the days weren't long enough yet. most have turned back to vegging now. except this one. it's almost done.
IMG_7333.jpg IMG_7334.jpg


Well-Known Member
For me you're risking problems with plant confusion..if you bring them in you must have COMPLETE dark, but you have temp fluctuations...You really need to pick a method and stay with it...When mine go outside after about 4 weeks they stay there...it's even gone down to about 45 degrees, but it's a gradual drop, not like bring into AC or inside temps.....IMO
Good Luck...not always easy friend..


Well-Known Member
yes twistyman thanks for mentioning that about temperature i was thinking about that idk i guess ill have to just try and see it, im not really worried about it these plants im trying it on are just for bullshitting and experimienting with i got most of my crop in the forest already thnx fdd for the view on it i see your point these are just bagseed anyway so im not loosing much.but i have a option of putting them in a outdoor shed type thing that way i could keep consatant temperature with out any fluctuation. i was eondering about the exact timeframe to do this 2 weeks 3 weeks ?


Well-Known Member
i'd do the covering thing for 4 weeks then just leave them out. either they will finish or they won't. it's all strain dependent.


Well-Known Member
how long will it take to notice flowering? or will it make them flower longer?
they should be flowering within 2 weeks. by 4 weeks they should have decent buds forming. if you have the patience to keep moving them you can. my back gets tired after 4 weeks though. :mrgreen:

they say indicas will continue to flower. i think it's more "some plants". most will try to reveg.


Well-Known Member
Yea well there on top of a shed and i can easily move them into it, so the hauling thing is not a big deal and plus im young so my backs still good knock on wood lol.

So say i bring them in 4 weeks aka about 2 weeks into budding or flowering would it be ok then to leave them as they are?, i know theres a chance to turn hermie but im willing to take that risk.

thanks for the help guys i know these questions are kind of detailed but i havent read anywhere on here about this


Well-Known Member
Yea well there on top of a shed and i can easily move them into it, so the hauling thing is not a big deal and plus im young so my backs still good knock on wood lol.

So say i bring them in 4 weeks aka about 2 weeks into budding or flowering would it be ok then to leave them as they are?, i know theres a chance to turn hermie but im willing to take that risk.

thanks for the help guys i know these questions are kind of detailed but i havent read anywhere on here about this
they won't turn hermy. they may try to reveg though.